Obama Defends Abuse Of Private Bradley Manning
By Patrick Martin
If another country were meting out similarly sadistic treatment to a captured American POW, the Pentagon and the American media would be howling about war crimes. But Manning's treatment has been largely blacked out of the corporate-controlled mass media. Ref. Source 5
The WikiLeaks Grand Jury and the still escalating War on Whistleblowing:
As Julian Assange wins the Sydney Peace Prize for "exceptional courage in pursuit of human rights," NPR reports that "a federal grand jury in Virginia is scheduled to hear testimony on Wednesday from witnesses" in the criminal investigation of his whistle-blowing group Ref. Source 1
Bradley Manning activist subpoenaed in WikiLeaks investigation:
A computer expert and vocal supporter of the Army private accused of leaking classified documents to WikiLeaks has been served a subpoena compelling his testimony in the Grand Jury investigation of the leaked documents. Ref. Source 7
PBS - Frontline Wikisecrets Documentary:
Wikileaks.org - Julian Assange (Hover)