Brainetics - Turbo Charge Your Brain - Interactive Tutorial
What is your review for the computer software, "Brainetics - Turbo Charge Your Brain - Interactive Tutorial"?
Winner of the Parent's Choice Gold Award! BRAINETICS is a revolutionary system that uses mathematics to teach you how to use two parts of your brain at the same time; one part processes information while the other part stores information. Brainetics is for anybody aged 9 to 90!
KIDS! Brainetics is for kids 9 and up of all abilities, from those with special needs to the highly gifted. The system teaches kids the priceless skills of focus, following directions, problem solving, organizational skills and memory improvement. Most importantly - Brainetics Is Fun! Learning to think creatively and having fun doing it makes learning anything that much easier!
Brainetics - Turbo Charge Your Brain (Hover)