Thomas hears something twitch and jumps back just in time to see the same trap that killed Daphne fall in front of him.
Those without food struggle harder. Coming to a desert without food and water is folly indeed.
GM: Say what you want to do now.
Wuhn looks at the trap you avoided. He declares it as being something rushed but nevertheless effective for someone not paying attention. Wuhn investigates the current cave room to see if there are more traps.
GM: Roll standing D100 in Community Dice against Traps to see if you are able to find anything. You have a default of 50/50 out of 100% with an added 10% bonus, thus you must get under 61% to be successful.
You estimate it is around 4:00pm.
GM: Using given rolls Wuhn: 33, 91, 99, 68, 3 with 10% modifier.
In the first area entering the dark corridor of the cave Wuhn studies the cave room and decides nothing is amiss.
GM: I need exact order for you entering.
You then come to another cave room about 20' wide and Wuhn is unsure if anything is amiss. There is a corridor that continues on the opposite side.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
The last time you were here you moved around the side walls of the room but this time you place your trust in the skills of your new found Thief even though he is unsure. Thomas moves forward into the room with the aim of entering the corridor on the opposite side. As he does so it seems he activates some kind of mechanism and a pit is opened - he falls in and drops about 15' on to a spiked rocky surface.
GM: Roll "Standing D10" in the Community Dice. The result will be Thomas' damage. Say what you wish to do now.
After recovering from the shock of the fall you find much of your stuff on the ground. You collect them as best you can and with assistance make your way out of the pit.
Wuhn recognizes that it is a pressure plate pit which activates with weight.
You continue deeper into the cave by going down the corridor. The light of the day is no longer an aide behind you and ahead is very dark. The corridor eventually splits into three: straight ahead, right and left.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
You light up a lantern and the cave illuminates but you also now stand out significantly.
You shine the light into each passageway while Wuhn checks for traps in the passageway but he believes he sees none but cannot be sure. Nevertheless you go down the East passageway and enter into an empty cave room. Thomas is surprised but there is nothing here.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
You go back to the other room carefully.
Wuhn is sure that there are no traps so you move forward and find an empty room. You check all the immediate passageways of this cave and it is eerily deserted.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
You walk deeper into the cave, your lantern shows the way. You come across a fork going left and right. You start to smell something that causes you to buckle and gasp for air. The stench of rotten flesh surrounds you like a thick blanket and you can hardly contain yourselves. Thomas recalls that the cave passage to the right was where he fought the very bloody battle.
GM: I need new rolls from Oliron for his character checking traps.