ooc: Happens to all of us at some point. One thing though, what happens if you fail to find a trap? Maybe we should be like doing this room by room instead of just rolls ahead.
ooc: I'm like not sure what I read into this. Does the rolls mean that he knows or doesn't know where the traps are? Do you know where we are now Kntoran were there any traps here before?
The only trap we encountered last time was the one are the entrance to the cave. There were no others that we encountered. Right now we are in the first main room. The passage that leads deeper will soon split three ways. There is a chamber to one side that has supplies and one to the other side that has arms and armor. We did not enter that room there could be a trap there.
I say we go on down the passage to the supply room. I will lead with Wuhn second and Lance can be last. How does this sound. At entrances to new areas Wuhn can check for traps while we cover him and then move on.
Wuhn pokes ahead, searching about the area for any horrid traps. He listens for any movement up ahead and stays low.
OOC: Sorry again for slowing you guys down with my rolls. I think we are in the clear. What do we do after we get supplies, I forget what we are actually doing here now. I got focused on the wagon and body. Edited: Oliron on 26th Apr, 2010 - 4:45am
ooc: How do you know we are in the clear not all your rolls made it below the percentage.
Morton hates knowing he is entering a cave where bandits were. The traps could al over and he is not gifted about finding them all. He looks at Wuhn hoping he knows what he's doing.