ooc: At this point I don't know. Maybe we should get out of here and head back to town before we become cannibals. Should I roll for traps again? I think my rolls are all used up.
Wuhn continues to follow the leader having no real definite opinion other than the grumble of his belly and dry lips.
ooc: Huh? What good will going back to town do? We didn't come out here jus to like head back. We need to keep checking the place we might like find some clues or something.
I agree going back to the village doesn't prove useful unless we are just going back for water and food.
Thomas, you know this place better than us what is the best situation right now considering we are on foot?
OOC: I will roll 5 more times, searching for traps. Looks like I got the first 3 at least, though I probably shouldn't know in character.
Wuhn looks about high and low, using his abilities to detect any traps.
ooc: I did not add the 10% bonus, not sure how that works, sorry.
- rolls -
57, 65, 40, 94, 77
Edited: Oliron on 5th May, 2010 - 3:21am
*cough cough*
What did you do here last time Thomas that you didn't tell us about?
ooc: I don't care much about seeing it. I just don't want my character to like start throwing up plus we might end up rolling for disease or worst.