I don't know if I like the idea of being shut in here its kinda like making a coffin for us.
If we go in and explore it can give us a place to use as a base to further explore the area safely. Having a locked door and one person guarding we can get sleep and be more rested. Thus we will not have to go clear to the village to recoup. I will post that we explore the room without shutting the door.
Wuhn seems to be struggling with the smell of the room next to them. Having the door open so they are not locked in is great, but the smell is still affecting him. He is very quite for a while, then mumbles to himself in sort bursts. Staring at the wall mostly, he is having trouble falling asleep.
ooc: Maybe we can wedge something in the door so it is only open a crack.
a statue of the devil huh? Seems interesting. I wonder what that signifies. I think they worshipped the devil? This statue and the altar if any needs to be destroyed. You can stay here and watch for any trying to sneak in behind us while we check this other room out.
Shouldn't Wuhn check for traps in this room before we enter though? Plus checking the statue for traps too will be good.
Wuhn realizes he is part of the group and has a responsibility to them to search for traps. Reluctantly he enters with the party to search for traps. Right after he does Wuhn exits the room, waiting for the party to finish their search within it.
Hmmm... Bandits that are worshippers or posibly their leader is an evil cleric. Its likely he will be wealthy and charasmatic so they will be willing to put up with life out here. Before entering the room someone with the longest weapon should poke at the statue. This is where a 10 foot pole comes in handy.