Wuhn is kicking a stone gently along as the party moves forward. He is glad to be moving on and out of the cave.
"Those skeletons remind me of my old ship mates . . .", he stops talking abruptly suddenly aware he is speaking out loud.
Lysonna, hoping to redeem herself, looks at the smoke and the two cave entrances. "It looks like they might have shifted their camp to a different cave. Which one should we check out first? Or should we continue towards the smoke? That might lead us to their camp."
Out of Character:: Are we like going to just keep leaving the horse and wagon in the open like that with no one to watch them?
Out of Character:: Did you have bad experiences with your horses and wagons before? I'm sorry it's just really funny to me because you are always so worried about them. On a more serious note maybe we should try and hire someone to do that for us.
Wuhn moves along with the group. He looks for any traps they might be moving into.