This is what I will put as a post in the leader thread. Let me know what you think.
"The two thieves will enter the treasure room and check for traps. IF they find none they will start to transfer the treasure out of the room via the secret door we have found. Those still outside will take the treasure and place it in the wagon. Thomas will watch the ledge over across from the cave with at the ready to shoot anyone who trys to shoot at us. Meanwhile Pundit will watch the pass to the south to see if any bandits try to come at us from that direction."
"Why worry about treasure now, its not like its going anywhere"
Looks out to see if he can spot the archers and save his butt from being slice off by bandits.
I have a feeling that short corridor leads to another secret or hidden door. I think we get this gold and treasure out of the room and into the wagon so that they will be more apt to come to us exposing themselves.
It is my desire to take them all out or return to the village with a lot of money to split between us.
Out of Character:: I'm with you on this KNtoran, everything you said was just about exactly what I was thinking, Wuhn goes along with what you said. Should I have a bow? I see I have arrows that you gave me, did I forget to type in the bow?
Edited: Oliron on 22nd Dec, 2010 - 6:24am
Out of Character:: You want to return already? We need to clear this place out once and for all plus there are other caves we haven't seen yet this is just like the first one after the last one we already gutted.
Out of Character:: We need to figure out exactly how we are dealing with the bandits. We can't have 2 attacking and others not. Also if we are leaving, staying put, or fighting. We need to be clear on how we are doing it. I am thinking we load the loot on the wagon and high tail it out of here.