I am here now and I will post the Wuhn the thief is checking for more traps as we enter the cave. I was just going to check the cave to see if the body was there. I think we may need to camp in the southern areas before going into the cave system again. Let me find out what time it is.
ooc: Kntoran you've like been here before? Can you like just give us an idea of what happened here so we can know what we're up against?
Wuhn checks the area for anymore traps.
- with soul -
2d100: 23 - 58
"It looks like this trap was made hastily." Wuhn speaks quietly referring to the trap that missed Thomas.
ooc: Looks like I failed, sorry guys, better luck next time maybe.
ooc: I didn't see it. You're supposed to go to community dice. This is the link to exact roll and in the space you put what you're rolling for, Source 5
When you get the result you put it here so Kntoran can update the leader thread otherwise he has to wait til he posts it.