Does your child worry?

Does Child Worry - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 15th May, 2006 - 4:55am

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2nd Jan, 2003 - 7:19pm / Post ID: #

Does your child worry?

Adults always worry, but do you think children worry to? Well I was a child just like you and I used to worry a lot. As a parent you should check out the signs. Here is an article I read recently:

Consider these questions:

1. Does your child persistently talk about or seem preoccupied with a particular stressor or feared object/situation?
2. Have your child's sleeping habits changed (nightmares more than once a week, avoidance of going to sleep, frequent nighttime waking, restless sleep)?
3. Does your child avoid activities or situations he previously enjoyed (going to school, competing in sports, going to recreational or entertainment places)?
4. Does your child complain of stomachaches or headaches (especially if the complaints occur before a particular activity)?
5. Does your child grind his teeth, especially at night?
6. Does your child cry or seem easily bothered or irritated by little things?
7. Does your child seem jumpy, tense or on pins and needles?
8. Does your child avoid sleepovers, especially when she previously enjoyed them?
9. Has your child's schoolwork or enthusiasm toward school declined?
10. Has your child reduced time with friends, or does she only want friends over at your house?
11. Has your child's appetite changed?

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12th Dec, 2003 - 8:23pm / Post ID: #

worry child Does

Felipe does not worry about the thing... well maybe just a couple:

1. His snacks
2. That he gets his own way.

Adults always worry, but do you think children worry to?
I see some children on the streets and they have the look of fright on their faces, you can see the abuse and worry that most likely comes from a broken home, it is sad.

Post Date: 19th Dec, 2003 - 12:26am / Post ID: #

Does your child worry?
A Friend

Does your child worry? Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

I don't think mine worry too much. I mean like with my 7 yr old, she worries about doing well in school so she doesn't have to repeat Kindergarten for the third time.

She becomes easily frustrated while we are trying to do her homework. It's only reading simple words, but she still becomes frustrated while trying to read the words.

Her sleep patterns haven't changed, but she does talk alot in her sleep and sometimes she argues with her 2 yr old sister in her sleep. But I talk in my sleep to, so I don't know if that's because of stress or just something that runs in my family. wink.gif

But I think that kids can be stressed out. Especially if their homelife is an unhappy one.

Reconcile Edited: msslmshdy30 on 19th Dec, 2003 - 12:28am

28th Dec, 2003 - 2:01am / Post ID: #

worry child Does

My daughter grinds her teeth in her sleep something awful! (the medical term is bruxism.) But she's been doing it since she first got her teeth as a lil baby so I can't see that she had anything to worry about then. smile.gif My son has talked in his sleep for years, and I know he used to be really worried about everything -- he's very sensitive. He doesn't talk so much about worrisome things anymore, so I don't know if that means he is not so worried or if he just keeps it to himself.

My daughter does worry about things, but not "stressing out" kind of worry. She will ask me about things that concern her, and usually when I tell her what it's about she's okay with it.


22nd May, 2004 - 4:43am / Post ID: #

worry child Does

Sometimes my son gets very worried when something is missing on his daily routine. He worries about the shoes not being in the proper place or if he sees an ant in the living room smile.gif

14th May, 2006 - 8:49pm / Post ID: #

Does your child worry?

I know that this is explainable in my 2 younger children, as they were adopted by us very recently, they have past 'issues' that they are still trying to deal with.
One of them being security issues,but it really breaks my heart when my 3 year old Son begs me to "never, ever leave him". Then for both of them, there are the 'monsters' In their minds) who they believe are going to come and get them. I have explained that there are no real monsters, only toy ones, and that we will never let any harm come to them.
I think all small children need reassurance at one point in their life, for one thing or another, and in my opinion, if you totally reassure them, slowly, the fear starts to subside.

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14th May, 2006 - 9:29pm / Post ID: #

Does child worry

I look at my 2-year old sometimes and wonder if he has a worry in the world. Sure, sometimes he gets upset because things aren't going his way, or he doesn't get what he wants, but he moves on. He never seems worry about one moment from the next; he just lives life as it comes. Oh to be a child again and not have the worries of the world on your shoulders!

Post Date: 15th May, 2006 - 4:55am / Post ID: #

Does your child worry?
A Friend

Does child worry Culture Family Travel & Consumer Reviews

I have a problem with my son worrying lately. Its not about general things in life, but rather, after he gets in trouble, worries that we don't love him any more! He is truly sorry for what he has done to get in trouble and is scared to death that we don't love him any more. It bothers him to the point of tears were he asks several times after being disciplined. Has anyone else had this problem? I don't know where it comes from because we always tell him we love him after he has been disciplined.

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