I don't have idea about the Church position about Astral Traves, I seriously doubt we support it since we are talking about the seperation of our souls from our bodies..deep stuff..., not to mention some religious groups practise it often by induction...then they say the soul goes and visit different 'realms' hmmmm....
I had a experience like that when I was a little child and I remember like it was yesterday...who knows....we don't use all the resources of our brains and we may be amazed of the things we can do.
I don't know the church's policy concerning out of body experiences. I do believe and agree with ldsforever that we certainly do not use our full potential. I feel that out of body experiences are real and may possibly be achieved by deep meditation/trance. I have experienced this at least once. I think that foresight is in this same catagory of thought. Foresight is a type of premonition that allows one to 'see' something that is happening elsewhere or in the near future. I think that the Holy Ghost can help us to use our brains more fully at the times when we are especially in need.
I believe we are given instances of this from modern revelations and some of the prophets who said something like... 'whether out of the body I know not' during the time they had a great vision or revelation. In a basic sense once the spirit leaves the body then the body is dead since there is no 'life' (like the hand and glove scenario). Of course this is deeper than I am throwing light on (but got to go to another thread ).
I've always understood that our spirits can voluntarily leave our bodies but, if we leave, we may lose possession of our temples to those who have never been given bodies. Now somewhere in all my files is the actual quotation by a General Authority. Take this with a grain of salt until I can document it properly. It's just too easy to be wrong otherwise.
OMG[osh]! I have totally had this experience! I don't know that I'd call it Astral Travel (the definition of this is astronomical, planetary, cosmological...) but I do believe in OBE (Out of body experience).
I stated in a posting made in a different topic that I believe mentally ill individuals might be more "in tune" or the veil may be thinner with the spirit world, hence my experiences which I won't go into in this topic. I believe this may be true with my experiences with OBE since I haven't had one since my medication finally stabalized my bipolar condition (to the extent that medication can).
Before I was even diagnosed bipolar I had several OBEs. Each one was pretty much exactly the same as the others. It would happen when I was asleep. Suddenly I would discover myself conscious and standing by my bed. I would see a light in the living room or feel the need to check on my son (young at the time) and would attempt to go to the other room. My legs were so heavy, as was the rest of my "body". It was almost impossible to move. Most of the time, this is where the OBE would end and I would subconsciously find myself back in my body, in bed. However, one particular incident (which happened to be my last), I actually made it to the living room to and reached the light I wanted to turn off. The entire trip to the living room took several minutes, as my body was so heavy it was difficult to walk. I also felt, more than saw, something like a rope or chain connecting me to my physical body. I somehow knew that the rope/chain was attempting to pull me back to my body, but I fought against it, not understanding its importance.
When I got to the living room and began to shut off the lamp, I felt the presence of others in the house. I looked into the hallway and saw several "people", about 3 or 4, standing there. They were not in color or detail, but I could clearly see their human form and even the type of clothing they wore, just not in detail and not in color. They spoke to me, but not verbally or audibly. It was telepathically, but not. Telepathic is the closest I can explain it in earthly terms. They told me I must return to my body immediately, that I was in mortal danger. I was "told" that if I broke the "connection" (the rope/chain) to my physical body I would never be able to return. I immediately turned and was pulled quickly by the rope/chain back into my body. Almost like a measuring tape being automatically rewound.
I've never experienced that again. But I know it truly happened.
Back when I was a teenager (in the 80's) I heard a general authority speak about this, (also ouija boards & other occult activities). He stated that the church deeply discourages this type of activity (astral projection) as it leaves your body open for others to take over. Thereby, no guaruntee of returning safely to your own body.
QUOTE (Byersjen) |
I heard a general authority speak about this |
Rather off topic, but... Please see the Read Me Thread within this Board for details. |