Ryorst - in your dealings with blossom you come to find her very knowledgeable of the stronghold. She will even tell you of a hidden passageway and gate that will lead a person out of the Stronghold so you can not see them enter or leave by the main gate. She tells you that she has seen the dukes advisor and his niece use this hidden passageway a lot of late. She does not trust either one of them and tells you the Duke has been acting a little bit strange since they have been here. She and the others hate the fact there are orcs about and wishes the Duke would do more to get rid of them but he seems resistant.
"But, that seems like a lot of trouble to go through when we do not really have any proof that the advisor is the one responsible. For all we know, he is acting against the orcs secretly, infiltrating them to accomplish what I have just advised... I think our only real option at this point is to leave the stronghold, and kill the orcs in charge." Ryorst continues, he does not mention the path that Blossom told him of, but tries his best, by his demeanor, to show that he has more to tell them once they are outside the stronghold.
OOC: So I'll roll a... I don't know, what check would be for this, bluff? A low roll being better? I don't know, so I'll roll without mods again. Then they might have to roll a sense motive or something, it's up to KNtoran.
1d20: 4
1d12: 1
1d8: 1
1d6: 6
OOG: Ahh ok I see what you mean now. Yes you would be wanting to give them a good hint that you had more to say but can not say it because there may be spies about.
IG: Ryorst What you tell to Lionel and Namdar leaves them wondering what you left out because they can sense that your not telling them everything you know.
"I agree as well, the newcomer should watch the goblin, so that he, she, or," Gabriel stopped for a second, unsure what this goblin is, or even its name. He turned to the creature and asked annoyed, "What is your name, and are you male or female."
DA: After the answer Gabriel will help in any way needed, whether it would be helping preventing more suffering or easing the pain of those that are now suffering.
ooc: I do not feel I will be as punctual as I should in this venture, so if you need Gabriel to do something, but I have not answered, and you need him for something, you can have him do whatever is needed. I will try to post at least once a day.