ooc: It's not that, just... I don't know the food could be poisoned. It could be a ploy by whoever is working with the orcs, exc. Things like that"¦ just be careful. But you could be right, and just a means of the DM feeding your character.
OOC: Yeah, but they could have poisoned your food too, with a slow acting poison. So we could both be dead in 24 hours anyways. There's no way to be sure. If a DM wants to kill a character for sure, poisoning the food is a sure-fire way to do it.
Ryorst, Blossom gladly joins you in eating. She will pick up a piece take a bit of it and then feed you so you would be assured of the fact that it is not poisoned. She will feed you all that you want while chatting away about how she really likes a strong man and all the things a strong man can do.
Lionel, The Duke ponders what you seek and tells you that he has not heard of this gal. But he will keep her name and if he ever hears of it being mentioned he will seek out what information he can and relay it to you.
"I thank you with all my heart, as that one of my most important goals and partially why I travel", Lionel says to the Duke, giving a respectful bow and a bright smile.
ooc: Okay I think I gotten just about as much as I can from this meeting.
Edited: Thomaslee on 6th Apr, 2010 - 5:31pm
"Well I just assumed you were high class because you are so beautiful and kind. I have never heard of anyone so elegant, except for the princesses in the stories I heard as a child." He smiled happily, "Perhaps, after we finish here, you could show me around the castle? I would much enjoy the company of a beautiful girl over those stuffy guards."