Seeing the camera causes you to double back and fall into the forest in order to see if anyone acts on you being seen. For the first minute you do not see anything. Almost three minutes pass and from the West you see three men coming up the trail. They are armed with shotguns and one looks like he has a metal baseball bat. As they get closer you recognize them to be the boys you saw at a distance at the port. Even closer to your position and the warehouse they begin moving slowly and cautiously as though they are looking for something, possibly you.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
Caught by surprise the punks are marked by your guns as you fire.
GM: Are you a good aim even at close range? Please send in your rolls. In the future just send in your rolls with your actions to save time.
GM: That was fast. Based on your rolls with a +5 modifier for being not far from where they are standing.
Dr.Play uses his rifle and his shot knocks back the punk and he hits the ground hard.
Blade gets off two shots, the first one is a terrible miss but the other takes down the punk.
Don shots but his aim is so bad that the punk has time to duck into the trees and fire back!
GM: Who does the punk aim at with a -5? I roll and it falls on Dr.Play.
The punk has a handgun it seems, you can tell by the sound it lets off as the bullet passes you by.
You can then hear him talking frantically but you do not know to who as the other two who were with him are now dead on the trail.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
You decide upon a plan to attack the punk by crossing over to the far left and right and continuing your attack. In doing this two things happen:
1. The person crossing nearest to the warehouse encounter two men in lab coats with pistols.
2. The person on the opposite side will get a shot at him as they cross the clearing and then fight with the punk.
GM: Since you did not say who went each way I will do it randomly: Dr.Play goes nearer the warehouse.
Dr.Play is surprised by the two men he encounters, they aren't though and aim their guns.
GM: Battle begins based on rolls and using the same reaction.
You both fire at the same time but Dr. Play's aim is very bad. Conversely the two men are right on target as Dr. Play falls back... Dead.
GM. Play by Post's character is out of the game.
Blade crosses safely as the punk's aim is terrible. Blade's reaction is also better and gets on the other side and shoots the punk dead.
The two men who shot Dr. Play hear the sound of the gun fire and duck themselves to one side.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
You move through the forest closer to where the men have stooped near the warehouse to try and get a good shot at you but they are looking to see where you are and cannot at the moment. You fire at them...
GM: Continuing with rolls...
Blade shoots twice and misses terribly. The two men fire in his direction and they also miss badly.
Don shoots from his position and misses now the men are generally aware of where you are and re-position themselves to suit so they can see you better.
Second Round
Blade fires twice at one of the men and kills him.
Don fires and hits the man but it not enough to stop him from firing back as he hits Don and does 3 HP damage.
Third Round
As Don picks himself up from the impact of his bullet wounds now burning him badly Blade finishes of the man.
Just as you rest a bit thinking it is all over you hear in the distance the sounds of wild beasts can be heard.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
GM: It is not mentioned who enters the warehouse first so I will do it based on reaction roll.
Blade runs to the front door of the warehouse as fast as he can followed closely behind by Don who is looking back and can see the most odd looking vicious creatures running towards him in an awkward manner.
Blade quickly opens the door and is greeted with a point blank gun shoot wound that throws him backwards leaving a large hole in his midsection.
GM: RPGPundit's character is now out of the game
Don is surprised and confused by all of this as he hears the chi-chic sound of a shotgun loading from within the warehouse. He spins around to see the strange creatures upon almost him, they send terror through his heart!
GM: Reaction roll for KNtoran's character is only 1 and his rolls are unlucky and favors the GM
Don freezes for a second as one of the creatures leaps at him. Don moves aside managing to get out of the way but he is not so lucky with the other and falls to the ground as both creatures immediately start to feed upon him as though they were kept hungry for days. A gun shot is the last thing Don hears as the light around him turns to darkness.
GM: Scenario ends.
Since we have been through this three times and I will not run it again let me basically say that the Island was being maintained by some experimental mad men in various areas of bio mechanics and biochemistry. They tried to merge creatures together. The island acted as a base and they made money selling drugs to support their needs.
After you go missing the police finally come on the island and the whole evil operation is exposed. The environmental agencies make a shout about the dumping of waste and the island is cleaned up and closed to the public. The last talk was of it becoming a base for military operations or a prison but the local government has not decided yet.