We will search the area around the pool and waterfall to see if we find anything interesting. Dr. Play takes out his detector to check out this area. If he finds nothing he will examine in the water and then what is in the water. While he is looking around with the detector the other two will be busy watching to make sure nothing sneaks up on us.
We step back from the waters edge and make our way over to the waterfall. We will check out the waterfall to see if there is a cave or other hidden passage behind it. While we stand back from the water we will call to the woman or fish in the water to see if it responds. We will have weapons out and at the ready just in case.
We will ask her questions to see if she will talk to us. We will ask if there is anything we have to fear from her. Ask about the island. Ask about the men who run the island. Ask about her and how she came to be like she is. Ask if there is anything behind the waterfall. Basically ask her everything she knows about the island, its inhabitants and what they are growing or using the island for. We will keep a weapon on her until we feel safer with some of her answers.