Tween Dora Version
What do you think about the new older "Tween" Dora Version of Dora the Explorer?
Dora Marquez -Tween Dora Version (Hover)
At first they showed a silhouette which made it look like she was wearing a mini skirt. Now she appears with the 'pregnancy' dress look (at least that is what I call it). This is the original Dora:
Dora Marquez -Tween Dora Version (Hover)
I think she is beautiful. I don't see anything wrong with the picture or the way she is dressed. I think is great that cartoons now days keep up with the *real* time and that characters also grow like humans do!
The new Dora definitely does not take on that explorer feel or look to her. A simple foot wear change would help that. I have not seen the new Dora shows so all I can hope is they have just geared it to a slightly older crowd and the same good qualities of the show are kept.
If you saw the silhouette they showed before releasing the full view (above) to the public then you can understand why mothers were worried. Krakyn also makes a good point about the explorer look. Let's hope that in the new cartoons she isn't exploring for boyfriends.
Dora Marquez -Tween Dora Version (Hover)
The first thing that that shadow caused to jump in mind is Brittany Spears! I think a nice pair of hiking boots would change the image greatly.
Just thinking of the tomboy's I grew up with leggings under skirt climbing trees a real transitional time for young ladies. I was thinking that might be the venue they were taking, when I seen the finished image.
Wait are they serious? The older Dora doesn't look anymore sexy than bigbird does on Sesame Street!
Wow Play is attracted to bid bird?/ Who knew
I think the new improved tween look of Dora is fine. I do not watch the show never have but I know a lot of tween kids especially girls want to but merchandise with her on it. Move over Brittney and Hannah you have been replaced.