Parental Cliches - Page 3 of 3

Okay, I do try to help my daughter understand - Page 3 - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 15th Nov, 2004 - 12:56am

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14th Nov, 2004 - 9:25pm / Post ID: #

Parental Cliches - Page 3

How about "Do as I say, not as I do!"

I don't think I ever used that one on my son, but my parents used it on me all the time.

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14th Nov, 2004 - 9:31pm / Post ID: #

Cliches Parental

Ah the flashbacks I had while reading this thread! The one that was always used on me and I find myself using with my daughter is when she asks me why she has to do something I asked her to do and I say

"Because I said so!"

Whats up with that one? It works though!

14th Nov, 2004 - 11:43pm / Post ID: #

Parental Cliches Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

"Because I said so!"

Whats up with that one? It works though!

Personally I think that 'Because I said so' method is not good on children because it is not teaching them why they need to do something and they ended up doing it because of the authority imposed by the parents but NOT because they understand why they should do it. I guess in the end as a parent you should ask whether you just want the thing 'done' or you are really interested in your child to understand why she/he must do it, a child who can often questions the orders that their parents give them without becoming rude, is a child willing to learn and becomes a child willing to colaborate in whatever thing is being asked because she/he understands the purpose behind it.
Like Farseer would say: In my opinion, of course wink.gif

15th Nov, 2004 - 12:56am / Post ID: #

Page 3 Cliches Parental

Okay, I do try to help my daughter understand why we do things, and why it's part of being a family to help out, or whatever. But after the 7,362nd time of "why do I have to?" -- it just is the only thing I can think of to say: "Because I said so!" I've only had to say it a couple of times, but I can see that I may have to say it a few more times before she's done growing up. Sometimes, what we want is instant obedience, not questions and whining, or stalling and manipulating. I think I've been showing rather good patience, especially for one with temper problems (me, not my daughter).

This is from my mother:

"Are you a robot, that I have to tell you every move to make?"

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> TOPIC: Parental Cliches


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