Pony, War
What is your strategy for confronting the creature Pony, War in Dungeons & Dragons?
More info on this D&D creature: Source 9
I didn't know there was like a difference between a pony and a war pony. The link info says that they are like a special breed of pony so they're different to the regular ones.
This is true, also I wanted to try and answer Beasts question.
Hey Beast is my character I'm play by post or like Pundit likes to call me "Play". I understand what you're saying but just imagining my character on a pony doesn't go well. I'd want at least like a light horse.
Edited: play by post on 23rd Apr, 2010 - 12:20am
A war pony is a war horse for those smaller in size. Imagine if you would a dwarf on a full sized war horse. That just does not look right. Now put that same dwarf on a war pony and you have a mounted Dwarven calvary. Granted they may not be as powerful as a war horse but war pones are bred specifically for caring dwarfs and halflings into battle. They are more stout than a war horse and can deal significant damage to those on foot.