The Obama Deception
How many of you have seen the documentary conspiracy theory film called "The Obama Deception". The film focuses on what many Threads here have touched on: Federal Reserve, Bilderberg Group and New World Order. It seeks to point Pres. Barack Obama as just being a follower for a bigger cause that is neither Democratic or Republican. One of the evidences they use is that everything Bush was doing before is merely continued by Obama and even in some ways enforced so there is no "Change" as was previously pushed as political change. Your thoughts?
I have to agree that there is no real change and we seem to be going down the same path that we stated on when Bush allowed 9/11 to happen. It was that act the government did to help push the American people in the direction they (the government) wanted the American people to go down. I think the government does not realize that there are people out here that can see the truth and know that we are not going in the right direction. With the recent rise of a possible new political group called the TEA Party it is entirely possible for the two current parties to lose all control of the government. I think the next few years are going to be interesting.