I hope that these two are able to continue with their educations and still raise their little girl. Being this young and having a child is not good but if they can make it work all the more power to them. I think his mother is a source of help for them and that may be a lot of help.
Babies having babies is very sad. I know accidents shouldn't happen but teens shouldn't try to have babies now. Teens 100 years ago were adults basically and could and did raise children with no problems. Modern teens do not have the same maturity. Most often it is the grandparents that raise the baby.
Maybe, but they aren't in a place in their young lives where they can take care of baby. Furthermore, they are making a decision they understand the implications of that now affect them and possibly everyone close to them, not to mention a baby. I'm with Kyrroeth on this, they are too young to be having babies.
The fact that someone would want to start anothers house on fire is bad enough but if they are specifically targeting this yound man then that is worse. Plus it sounds like people are bullying him by telling him they are going to attack and beat on him. This is all just soo wrong.