Us Supreme Court Nominees

Us Supreme Court Nominees - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 29th Jun, 2012 - 2:30am

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U.S.A. Who will be the next Judge?
Post Date: 20th Apr, 2010 - 11:16pm / Post ID: #

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Us Supreme Court Nominees

Supreme Court Nominees

Americans: Alright to Oppose Supreme Court Nominee Over Judicial Philosophy
Washington, DC ( -- A new poll of American voters shows a majority believe it is alright for senators to oppose a Supreme Court nominee based on the potential jurist's judicial philosophy. The results of the new Rasmussen survey are important as President Barack Obama prepares to select a high court nominee.

The names of potential nominees considered to be on Obama's short list include people like Elena Kagan and Diane Wood -- two solid abortion advocates.

The new Rasmussen poll, out today, shows 56 percent of voters say it is fair for a senator to oppose a legally and professionally qualified nominee on the grounds of ideology or judicial philosophy while just 29 percent say otherwise and 15 percent are unsure.

While 65% of Republicans and 59% of voters not affiliated with either major party think ideology and judicial philosophy are legitimate grounds for opposition, Democrats are more closely divided as 45% agree, but 37% think it's not fair to oppose nominees on those grounds.

Voters believe Obama will select another liberal to replace retiring pro-abortion Justice John Paul Stevens -- with 45 percent saying that justices nominated by Obama will be too liberal, while 41% say the nominee will be fine. Very few Americans think Obama will nominate a conservative to the high court.

The Rasmussen poll also showed 52% of voters believe that, in picking someone to serve on the Supreme Court, a nominee's legal background is more important than ensuring a court that is as diverse as American society. But 36% think ensuring a diverse court is more important. Ref. Source 8

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Post Date: 27th Apr, 2010 - 1:33pm / Post ID: #

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Nominees Court Supreme Us

Obama Claims No Abortion Litmus Test for Supreme Court, But Establishes One

Obama Washington, DC ( -- President Barack Obama met top Senate leaders today to discuss his upcoming Supreme Court nomination and he promised he will have no abortion litmus test. However, most of the potential nominees said to be on his short list to replace pro-abortion Justice John Paul Stevens also back unlimited abortions.

Still, the New York Times indicated Obama wants a new high court justice who respects individual rights and women's rights -- code phrases for abortion.

Obama responded to a reporter's question and reiterated his own support for abortion without limits, but put forward the no litmus test pledge but immediately contradicted himself.

"I don't have litmus tests around any of these issues, but I will say that I want somebody who is going to be interpreting our Constitution in a way that takes into account individual rights and that includes women's rights and that is going to be something that is very important to me," Obama said, essentially putting a litmus test into place.

Obama added that he believes the Constitution guarantees the right to privacy and "bodily integrity," though he made no mention of the bodily rights of unborn children.

According to White House officials, Obama is looking at making his nomination by May 26, although likely earlier in the month. He confirmed he wants to move the process along quickly.

"It's very important, particularly given the important cases that may be coming before the Supreme Court, that we get this process wrapped up so that a new justice can be seated and staffed and can work effectively with his or her colleagues in time for the fall session," he said. Ref. Source 5

Post Date: 6th May, 2010 - 9:25pm / Post ID: #

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Us Supreme Court Nominees History & Civil Business Politics

Hatch meets with Obama over potential Supreme Court nominees, then blasts him

"He (Obama) wants them to use values that are not within the Constitution to strike down legislation that he does not like, but wants them to ignore values that are in our written Constitution to uphold legislation that he does like," Hatch said in a speech to the Cato Institute, a think tank that promotes limited government. Ref. Source 4

Post Date: 10th May, 2010 - 3:11am / Post ID: #

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Nominees Court Supreme Us

Elena Kagan

CNN confirms President Barack Obama to pick you.S. Solicitor General Elena Kagan as you.S. Supreme Court nominee.

Post Date: 10th May, 2010 - 10:13pm / Post ID: #

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Nominees Court Supreme Us

And the next Supreme Court Justice is....

President Obama nominated Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court today, a move questioned by some for the mere fact that this is another one of Obama's favorites from academialand who seems to advocate (wait for it) socialism. Kagan has zero experience as an actual judge and minimal experience working in the legal field - but she's got the most important quality in the eyes of Obama: a love for the redistribution of wealth. Ref. Source 6

Post Date: 10th May, 2010 - 10:19pm / Post ID: #

Us Supreme Court Nominees
A Friend

Us Supreme Court Nominees

This gal is nothing but a professor at a college teaching students about law. She has no experience as a judge and I doubt she will do anything but promote the wishes of Obama. We can hope that the congress will not allow her to be sworn in. What a sham this is to the legal system.

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Post Date: 17th May, 2010 - 1:55am / Post ID: #

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Us Supreme Court Nominees

Pat Buchanan : Are Liberals Anti-WASP?:

Rising anger in a black community, which voted 24-1 for Obama, that one of their own was once again passed over for the Supreme Court. Ref. Source 2

Post Date: 29th Jun, 2012 - 2:30am / Post ID: #

Us Supreme Court Nominees Politics Business Civil & History

Jaw-dropping switch saves 'Obamacare'

In his White House memoir, Courage and Consequence, Karl Rove recalls being the lone non-lawyer among the group of George W. Bush aides who initially interviewed John Roberts for the Supreme Court in 2005. Rove asked Roberts to go back in history to name the justice whom he most revered. Roberts answer, Robert Jackson, intrigued and reassured Rove. When appointed in 1941, Jackson was serving as Franklin Roosevelts attorney general and had been expected to be a pro-New Deal rubber-stamp on the court. But, as Rove put it, Jackson instead demonstrated a fidelity to the Constitution that Roberts admired.

Source: Yahoo! News - Latest News & Headlines

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