Geoengineering - Page 2 of 2

Yeah, thats why I mention carboniferous period - Page 2 - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 2nd Oct, 2023 - 5:33am

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Climate Control
1st Oct, 2023 - 8:40am / Post ID: #

Geoengineering - Page 2

Eh.... . Too over abundant of any chemical are bad including oxygen (You can drown or unable to breath if too much oxygen) you know, thats why the planet ozone are being affected because the CO2 are over the planet threshold, if you are talking about carboniferous period theres a reason mass extinction happen there with how volatile and easy to forest fire occur there, because the plant produce oxygen so much and deplete the CO2 starting the ice age period, not including we got giant insect.

What we need are balance of the planet element.

The man made "Pollution" are what geo engineering anyway even though its probably not intentional effect, thats why we get this global warming in the first place, because like it or not CO2 effect increase planet temperature.

And either this method or we embrace human extermination or extinction, eitherway is fine to me to be honest.

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Post Date: 2nd Oct, 2023 - 2:16am / Post ID: #

A Friend


It would seem that lots of co2 in our atmosphere indeed is actually a good thing. Even according to NASA' Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer and NOAA's Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer admit that leads to a lot of greening of at least a quarter to a half of the earth's vegetation/forests. An article from 2016 on NASA's website titled "Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds" shows this. This makes sense when you consider photosynthesis.

And to be certain, the science isn't settled on this issue either. There are many scientists that question the version of climate changed pushed by the mainstream media and several governments and their agencies. The Global Climate Intelligence Group's (CLINTEL) document "There is no climate crisis." Signed by over 1600 signatories shows this, among others too.

2nd Oct, 2023 - 5:33am / Post ID: #

Geoengineering UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

Yeah, thats why I mention carboniferous period there, and no, what I mean are "To over abundant" mean it reach past the threshold for this planet hence our ozone are affected.
And I more talking about the effect to human itself rather than nature, because nature will find a way and adapt, but if this goes on human likely goes extinct and be replaced getting their due Darwin award.

Ah… "Politic" each try to smear campaign and sabotaging each other with word play, in the end they just keep bickering and nothing will be resolved until its to late.
As a person live in equator where we only have dry and humid season, I can tell you the global warming is real despite surrounded by jungle, we never experience the increase of temperature like this, but climate crisis may not happen yet but in the future it may if this goes on, this is probably what this "Scientist" try to mislead with their word play saw this a lot with the claim of this "Scientist say" especially from USA one.

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> TOPIC: Geoengineering


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