Name: Gordon
Comments: Dear Woody,
I agree completely with what you've said.
I envision righteous family members seeking out their family members whom they love, inviting them to believe and repent in the next life in the lower kingdom they dwell in.
I envision family members in the Celestial Kingdom will be visiting the Terrestial Kingdom to save their kindred dead, while family members in the Terrestial Kingdom will be visiting their kindred dead in the Terrestial Kingdom.
I see a great purpose for having a different member of the Godhead governing each kingdom and providing assistance in this great missionary effort to redeem all of Heavenly Father's children so that all of Heavenly Father's children who do not rebell against the Holy Ghost will eventually be able to return and live with Him.
I also think that before any "saved" individual in Heavenly Father's Celestial Kingdom is allowed to advance in priesthood power and authority, the the work of redeeming his family heritage on this earth has to be completed.
I would really appreciate your sharing additional scriptures that will support this view of the Plan of Eternal Progression.
Question: Why isn't this knowledge of "Eternal Progression In the Kingdoms" being taught as doctrine in church meetings and classes, especially by the missionaries?
Currently, I think most members feel that once you have received the final judgement and assigned to a kingdom of glory after the resurrection, you will be "stuck" there for all eternity.
Source 1: D & C 128:15
To answer your question of why this is not taught in Gospel Doctrine classes and the like is beyond me. It is touched on in institute classes and classes at BYU. I came to know these truths while on my mission, but didn't teach it because I was called to teach our of Preach My Gospel. Also I think if this was widely taught people wouldn't be as motivated to do good. Many people are motivated by fear rather than by the love of God. So they would think well I am going to make it because my dad is the bishop so off to they bars and strip clubs. (Just a thought?)
As for additional info on this here is a quote by Elder Orson Whitney that I believe was given in 1929 or 1930 conference. Elder Whitney says,
"I promise the Saints in the Deseret stake of Zion that if their lives are such that they can look their sons and daughters in the face, and if any of them have gone astray, that the parents are able to say, "It is contrary to my instruction and my life's example; it is against every effort of love, long suffering, faith, prayer and devotion that that boy or that girl has gone,"-I promise you, fathers and mothers, that not one of them shall be lost unless they have sinned away the power to repent"(in Conference Report, October 1919, 161). Keep in mind that according to President Kimball the general population of the church is not capable of sinning away the power to repent. They would have to have a PERFECT knowledge of God given to him by a vision from the Holy Ghost, and then after that perfect knowledge turn from it and publicly shame the church and persecute/kill his servants.
Name: Gordon
Comments: My understanding of the gospel is that unless you participate and accept all of the sacred ordinances of the Lord's temple, you cannot enter into His kingdom. Since our present earth is destined to exist only for 7000 years, I presume that all of the temple work has to be done in the millenium when Jesus Christ returns to rule and reign.
Question: Will resurrected persons who have been assigned to lower kingdoms of glory, have unlimited time to accept the temple works which will have been done for them, or will they only have until the end of the millenium when Satan will gather his forces to fight against God for the last time, and then be banished to outer darkness?
Question: Once Satan is banished to outer darkness at the end of the Millenium, and doesn't have any more influence in the lives of men/women that are not sons/daughters of perdition; what happens to the agency of man if only good thoughts and actions prevail? How can good exist without its' counterpart of evil existing simultaneously with it?
Question: What reward can a resurrected person living in a lower kingdom expect to receive if there is no opposition any more to the gospel plan? How then does a righeous person living in a lower kingdom continue to live by faith without opposition to what is being taught?
Once we are dead on this earth, is not the "time" for works over? Has not the prodigal son squandered his inheritance, never to receive all that the Father has?
Question: If justice is to be served, how does the prodigal son receive God's greatest gift that of His "Character" if agency or evil no longer exists to develop it?
Source 1: 3 Nephi 27:33
Name: Gordon
Comments: Dear Tubaloth,
Thank you for sharing your remarks, thought and time that you put into them.
Question: Why would someone who's sinned all their life, rejecting the atonement of Christ, etc. Eventually change course?
I would like to compare the life long sinner to a person who ate candy all day long without brushing his teeth. Eventually his so called "happiness" of eating sweets, will make him very miserable because of the toothaches and pain that will develop from all the rot within him. Until the sinner (person that doesn't brush his teeth) seeks help to remove the rotten part of his teeth, he will continue to experience excruciating pain. And pain is not happiness. And, since we are all created in the image of God, I believe that we all have a natural desire to find true happiness.
Consequently, it is this pain or remorse of conscience that I believe will cause most of Heavenly Father's children to repent or seek help at some point in time or eternity to remove the rot from him/her. The infinite atonement is the only medicine that can stop the pain or remove the rot associated with guilt.
Now if I have a friend, who keeps telling me to go to the dentist to take care of my pain and I refuse to go because I don't believe my friend, then I have to suffer endlessly.
My friend is the Holy Spirit who tells me to see the dentist (Bishop / Christ) on a regular basis so that minor cavities (infractions) can be taken care of so that they don't produce the rottenness that will destroy my teeth or happiness.
Once I understand the importance of my dentist (Christ) in helping me stay healthy (happy), I will begin to find greater fulfillment and purpose in my life, and will be on a road of eternal progression.
Now, if the person refuses to see the dentist, (doesn't believe in the atonement of Christ) he would have to continue to suffer until he does. The only persons in this category are the Sons of Perdition. They continue to deny the truth which has been given to them by the Holy Spirit to make them happy, healthy, etc; and they seek their own course of action out of pure arrogance and pride.
I believe that everyone else, that doesn't rebel against the Holy Spirit will progress in happiness in the eternities, for that is the purpose of the Holy Spirit to bring us closer to our Heavenly Father and to become more like Him. Consequently, I believe Eternal judgment, or God's judgment is the natural result of our actions, and as long as we have a friend (the Holy Spirit) who keeps telling us to see the dentist (Christ) to put a beautiful smile back on our face...we will progress endlessly throughout eternity to a higher station, purpose and happiness than previously held no matter what kingdom we are in.
Justice follows the law of cause and effect. Mercy recues us from Justice if we will allow it to. The Holy Spirit is God's intelligence which wants to make us happy.
I believe the scriptures are there to warn us of the consequences of sin (not brushing our teeth) and the natural consequences of not seeking help (Christ's atonement) which is a rottenness or decay in our person for all eternity.
Question: If we had agency in our pre-mortal life and could choose to follow Christ, why can't we choose to follow Christ in our post-mortal life and progress?
Source 1: Alma 41:5
Source 2: Proverbs 10:7
Name: Gordon
Comments: I am changing my opinion about eternal progression.
I believe that there will be no eternal progression from one kingdom of glory to another, whereby all mankind can continue working for the same degree of glory in eternity if they choose.
The experiences of our school room, or this mortal earth life are the lessons that instruct us and prove us in the development of Christ's character, and will never happen again for any of us after the resurrection.
With immortal bodies, our "character" or "lack of it" is trapped, never again to be subjected in the same way as during our earth life, that can build God's character.
There would be no reason for exercising faith, belief, or the development of other Christ like virtues, once we are clothed with immortal bodies because all of the uncertainties present in this life which build and prove our character are over, never to repeat themselves again for us.
Consequently,if we fail to develop righteous desires in this life or in the Spirit World prior to our resurrection, while we are still subjected to all of the "unknowns or uncertainties" present to cultivate these desires; what would motivate us to do so in the next life with immortal bodies that can never die, experience pain or suffering in the Telestial or Terrestial kingdom?
I think the final judgment of God is the last gift given to all of us by our loving Heavenly Father to put an end to all the mental sufferings for our sins (exception being the Sons of Perdition). And, that when we are assigned and enter either the Telestial or Terrestial Kingdom, a new veil of forgetfulness will come upon us giving us peace and happiness in our new eternal home.
However, I think those in the Celestial Kingdom will still be allowed to visit family members in the lower kingdoms to check on their happiness because of their divine calling of becoming Heavenly Parents which is in the making.
Source 1: Abraham 3:25-26
Having read all the other entries, I think that the teaching of the temple seems to imply that there is a progression through the temple, first we die and are resurrected symbolically by baptism, we then progress through a series of kingdoms and then enter the presence of God in the celestial room. This seems to suggest not only is progression possible, but that each of us will have to go through that progression in order to get to the celestial kingdom. As to what motives we would have if progression was possible this makes me think of D&C 130:18-19. As we are righteous in this life we are given light and truth, which we take with us to the next life that will give us advantage over those who may not have been as righteous or obedient in this life.