Because The Queen Left The Trinis

Because Queen Left Trinis - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 26th Apr, 2010 - 12:06am

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Out of the mouth of babes...
6th Apr, 2010 - 1:15am / Post ID: #

Because The Queen Left The Trinis

Because The Queen Left The Trinis

I was walking through a certain part of Trinidad with my son who is also autistic and sees the world differently, but this time he was on par. Some Trinis were behaving in an uncivilized manner and after passing them he looked at me and said something to the effect of...

"Daddy you know why these Trinis behave like this? It is because the Queen (referring to when we were a colony) is no longer a ruler over them. They wanted her to leave so they can behave how they want like that."

I laughed, he asked me why I was laughing, and I said because there may be so much truth in that.

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24th Apr, 2010 - 3:49am / Post ID: #

Trinis Left Queen Because

Are you suggesting that Trinidadians would behave differently if we still a colony? I'm not sure about that JB. I think there are certain treats within every culture that makes them unique and Trinidadians would be exactly the same way with or without Queen. Now don't ask me to say whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, you figure...

26th Apr, 2010 - 12:06am / Post ID: #

Because The Queen Left The Trinis Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

I don't know what the British period was like but I do know the British have a better living standard that we do here so maybe it would be a good thing who is to say. I wasn't born yet so I cannot solemnly agree.

> TOPIC: Because The Queen Left The Trinis


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