Assailants detonate bomb in Chilean Catholic church
Catholic Related News
SANTIAGO, Chile, April 29, 2010--Assailants detonated a bomb in the Chapel of Lourdes at the convent of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd in the city of Temuco, Chile. The bomb exploded early on Tuesday morning causing damage to the chapel as well as a neighboring house.
It is mutch easier to destroy the physical than to create it. However the spirit is eternal. Such acts as this only fortify the spirit of those destroyed. We are all brothers and sisters on this earth. To destroy another is to destroy yourself.
Again the spirit is eternal, the physical temporary. One cannot erase the true God, it is everlasting. To destroy his physical church only brings his spiritual church closer together, making it stronger.
In short I think this attack and attacks like this are, in the long run, forgettable. The spirit will continue on without the physical shell.