"Those poor people must be so scared..."
* Krusten turns to her super friends *
We've got to do something. I can move fast. Maybe I can get to the train before they see me. We can go through the tunnel closest to the train for a better look.
Optalagent can your laser eyes aim for someone's head so they die instantly? If it does then if someone is wired with a bomb you can do that."
* Looking at Garrant *
What can you do with your skills?
We also need to give the guys some kind of signal.
* Krusten almost starts to bite her nails but she holds back noticing the SWAT team looking at her. *
Optalagent is taken aback slightly.
"I... Don't know. It may be possible, I've never used my ability quite like that, I'm hoping maybe we can knock them out or something though.
We need to know how MANY hijackers there are. We know there are one in each car, so that's five, and there are about 30 hostages in the third car, but how many other hijackers are in there?
Maybe the danger sense ability can tell us just how much more dangerous the third car is, than the ones with one hijacker in it, if the police don't have an estimate they're confident in? Or the ability to see heat signatures of the bodies could also tell us how many people there are.
We could seal one end of the third car shut, cutting it off from the other cars and hijackers, or for that matter we could do that with both, but the hostages need a way out. We could cut a hole in the roof and extract them if need be.
Garrant seems to be the best talker here, he *could* work on negotiating with the hijackers. I'm still not sure tear gas or other riot control and standoff measures might not be the best idea, though if only we had some way to protect the citizens."
Assassin turns to Forge.
"Man we need some serious radios here like what the Justice League has so we can know hat the others are doing.
Alight so we can open the door but should we wait for some kind of signal from Krusten?"
As Assassin speaks hesees Krusten and the others meet the police on the north side.
"Wait I see them!"
* Krusten sees Optalagent 's surprise *
What about the kids! We don't want these creeps jut falling back and next thing you know they're shooting everyone!
* Krusten uses her danger sense ability to see if she senses anything that will help her. *
We need to signal Assassin to check things out but how do we do that?
"What are they doing?"
Forge asks while trying to look over his shoulder.
"I wonder if they saw the light?"
ooc: This is really a difficult situation. Its not a hack and slash job we need to save the hostages. It will be nice if someone could join us with some good skills for this job because most of our powers seems to be more for serious battle or just tricks.
ooc: Okay just waiting on what Oliron like wants to do so I can post in the leader thread.
Garrant thinks for what seems like a long time though it is only a few seconds.
"They are unstable and have a bomb, lets give them the money. I don't think we are going to be able to take them all down. Just give them the money and put a homing beacon in with it. We can find them and retrieve the money later once these hostages are safe."
Garrant hates not just going in and mind flinging the third car into the subway wall. He does realize though that the bad guys are not going down without innocents dying.
The Force also uses his danger detection ability if he can get in range. Trying to gather whatever information he possibly can.
ooc: I don't have any clue what to do here. My initial gut was to surround the car and ambush them. That was before we found out that they might have a bomb. While I am not afraid of them, I do think the hostages will die if we try to ambush them. Better I think to give them what they want and follow them back to their lair I think.