Super Hero Leader - Underground Subway - Page 3 of 4

Krusten: Rolls: 67, 23, 55, 89, 2, 57, 99, - Page 3 - Comic / Anime PBP RPGs, Reviews - Posted: 23rd Jun, 2010 - 11:36pm

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7th Jun, 2010 - 12:51pm / Post ID: #

Super Hero Leader - Underground Subway - Page 3

Please just put the actual action and Rolls so I do not have to read through Posts and talking. I just need what the character will do and results of rolls. Thanks.

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10th Jun, 2010 - 12:12am / Post ID: #

Subway Underground Leader Hero Super

Guys above will aks to go down to get a better look at everything.

Forge and I will try to get the door open without bringing a lot of attention to us. If Forge can like burn just the part where the lock is without making a blast then that's what we want to do.

10th Jun, 2010 - 11:23pm / Post ID: #

Super Hero Leader - Underground Subway Reviews & RPGs PBP Anime / Comic

Krusten will tell them that we are the ones burning the door so they don't shoot. When they get down there we want to get a better idea like what's going on so we can like come up with a plan.

12th Jun, 2010 - 10:56pm / Post ID: #

Page 3 Subway Underground Leader Hero Super

Krusten gives us a signal to wait. She uses her danger sense.

Optalagent uses his danger sense.

Garrant suggest the polic give them the money and then we follow them after they leave the hostages.

Forge and I will just wait for now.

16th Jun, 2010 - 12:33am / Post ID: #

Subway Underground Leader Hero Super

JB I'm like doing this for the first time so I hope it all makes sense. We want to make a coordinated attack on the hijackers. Everyone wants to do something specific to make it happen.

Garrant wants to pretend that he has a bag of money to get closer to the hijackers.

Krusten wants to use her speed to try and take the lights out

When the lights out I'm going for the part of the train where all the people are and see if I can hit the guy with the bomb.

Forge and Optalagent will use their fire abilities to like take out as many hijackers as they can.

We're also going to ask the police for their best snipers to help us take out these guys.

18th Jun, 2010 - 8:29pm / Post ID: #

Super Hero Leader - Underground Subway

We're still working on a plan so in the mean time we ask the SWAT to position themselves where they can take out the hijackers in the different sections of the train. The one where the hostages are we'll like handle that. We also need the service tunnels opened.

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22nd Jun, 2010 - 1:50am / Post ID: #

Super Hero Leader Underground Subway - Page 3

Before we do anything, we get the cops to tell the hijackers that someone is coming with the money. We also ask them for nightvision goggles. We also ask for head sets ith voice activated mics.
Garrant will take the money to them and ask that they release the hostages first to show they're serious.
If they do then wait, if they like won't then he shrugs his shoulders and that means cut the lights. So we like want the police looking for that.
Garrant will then attack the first hijacker nearest to him
Optalagent and Krusten will be waiting by the service tunnel and if they see the shrug they will move in. Krusten will use her speed to slam into a hijacker. Optalagent will burn a hole in the car to free hostages.
At the same time Assassin comes out immediately when the lights are out and looks for the guy with the bomb and dsables it if he can.
Forge will use his fire against any of the hijackers.

23rd Jun, 2010 - 11:36pm / Post ID: #

Super Hero Leader Underground Subway Comic / Anime PBP RPGs & Reviews - Page 3

Krusten: Rolls: 67, 23, 55, 89, 2, 57, 99, 50, 27, 63

Optalagent's 10 1D100 rolls are: 6,87,29,66,62,70,18,96,79,71

Garrant: 71, 32, 89, 46, 57, 48, 86, 75, 61, 11

Forge: 23,23,93,47,82,34,83,22,42,88

Mine: 89,24,77,52,34,67,24,83,34,89

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