Rabbi: Tehina cooked by non-Jews is not kosher
By Itim
Thousands of Israelis who observe kosher dietary laws have been avoiding tehina recently due to a halakhic decision issued by former Sephardi chief rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu against consuming food cooked by non-Jews. Sesame seeds, from which tehina is made, are often toasted in factories owned by non-Jews.
The decision affects all foods containing sesame seeds, including cakes, various salads, and halva, and some people are even avoiding the national food hummus, since it is often served with tehina.
Ref. https://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=583729
I didn't think that something wasn't kosher simply because it wasn't prepared by Jews.
ko·sher Audio pronunciation of "kosher" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kshr) also ka·sher (kä-) adj. 1. Judaism. 1. Conforming to dietary laws; ritually pure: kosher meat. 2. Selling or serving food prepared in accordance with dietary laws: a kosher restaurant. |
I heard about that decision against non-Jew food, but I don't agree with it. It will narrow down the choice of food by a lot, because all parts of kosher food, even seeds, will have to be made by Jews. But the sesame seeds will probably not be made differently by Jews than by others, unless the sesame seeds are somehow toasted in a way which does not conform to dietary laws, which I find improbable.
I was just thinking that this means a devotee cannot walk into McDonalds for example and order a meal simply because it is not Kosher. That must be tough unless you live in a large Jewish Community where the restaurant owner and employees are likely to be Jewish. Then again I can see activists saying that eating Kosher food affects their belief system. Smudge you do have it hard.
Offtopic but, In Trinidad the Muslims have something similar called 'Halal' and there are many business that make their food in this way to cater for them. |