HELP! Msn Problem - Page 2 of 2

Congrats on MSN working again. QUOTE and about - Page 2 - Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 3rd Sep, 2003 - 11:27pm

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Post Date: 3rd Sep, 2003 - 2:08pm / Post ID: #

HELP! Msn Problem
A Friend

HELP! Msn Problem - Page 2

otherwise i'll have to get a new isp

I hate to say it, but you might be better off with getting a new isp.  I am a reformed AOL user.  I had the AOL service for 2 years and had nothing but headache upon headache with their service.  With unreliable connections, tons of system disconnects, and what really burned me up was the fact that AOL charges so much money for their service only for it to be a let down.  :(  I bet if you search around the local computer stores or even in the phone book, you might find tons of cheaper and more reliable isp services.  Trust me, I haven't missed AOL since I finally found something better.  I found my isp at a local computer software store and I only pay $12.95 @ month for unlimited access.  I already had an email account with MSN and Yahoo, so that's why I got my service cheap.  (It actually saved me $6.00 @ month to have an email account through one of the other sites.)  Trust me, you might be better off without out AOL.  Just look around, I bet you will find something way better.  ;)

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Post Date: 3rd Sep, 2003 - 2:36pm / Post ID: #

HELP! Msn Problem
A Friend

Problem Msn HELP

I found out yesterday that my phone company offer dial up cheaper than AOL, so i'm gonna ask my friend who has them as his ISP how good they are. i've had no trouble with AOL up until now but it's annoying that it's taking so slow to fix and not telling everyone why it's happening. some people were saying aol were doing it on purpose to get people to use their own messenging service but i don't know if this is true and if it is they'll lose alot of customers.

the problem is i pay monthly, so if i got off aol now i would still have to pay for this month - wouldn't i? they could have done it at the end of august so i coulda switched b4 september sad.gif i might switch anyway because the other 1 is cheaper and i think i can sign up online, i'll talk to my friend then ask my dad about it.

Post Date: 3rd Sep, 2003 - 4:44pm / Post ID: #

HELP! Msn Problem
A Friend

HELP! Msn Problem Gaming Video & Issues Computer

so if i got off aol now i would still have to pay for this month - wouldn't i?

No, they shouldn't charge you for the whole month.  They can only charge you for the time that you have used it.  Trust me, when you go to call the AOL cancelation number, they are going to bend over backwards to get you to stay with AOL.  They will offer you all kinds of deals.  Now if you are serious about dropping it, don't let them give you anything  except your cancelation notice.  If you have already paid for this month, they will give you a refund on the part you aren't going to use.  Meaning, if you pay with a credit card, they will credit some of the month's fees back to your card.  If you charge it to the phone bill, they will only charge you for the time you used the service.  

They will ask you what they can do to get you to stay.  Just be firm with them and tell them that you have found a cheaper isp.  You don't have to go into too much explanation with them, just tell them you don't need their service anymore.

Post Date: 3rd Sep, 2003 - 5:13pm / Post ID: #

HELP! Msn Problem
A Friend

Page 2 Problem Msn HELP

Thanks for the advice mss, i may just do that. my cousins are coming round tomorrow so after they've gone i'll come on and see if it works, if it does i might stick with it - or cancel it anyway actually if the other one's cheaper - i just gotta find out if it's reliable.

it's gone 8pm and it still don;t work sad.gif aol has said hardly anything on it and the aol message boards are going crazy lol.

luckily my ps2 games came today which i ordered from amazon so i had something to do biggrin.gif

Post Date: 3rd Sep, 2003 - 5:25pm / Post ID: #

HELP! Msn Problem
A Friend

Problem Msn HELP

No problem and don't worry to much with it. I am sure, eventually they will get it fixed. I am sure that there are alot of angry AOL users right now. I know I would be on the phone with AOL myself, if I were still a member. wink.gif

Offtopic but,
Hmm, new PS2 games. Maybe you can post a review about them when you're through playing them.

Reconcile Edited: bwren on 20th May, 2006 - 1:31am

Post Date: 3rd Sep, 2003 - 5:44pm / Post ID: #

HELP! Msn Problem
A Friend

HELP! Msn Problem

Offtopic but,
yeah I was just gonna do a little review of what I've played so far tongue.gif

Message Edited!
Admin: Please use I'm, do not use a message just to post an offtopic

Reconcile Edited: bwren on 20th May, 2006 - 1:32am

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
Post Date: 3rd Sep, 2003 - 7:19pm / Post ID: #

HELP! Msn Problem
A Friend

HELP Msn Problem - Page 2

well just to let everyone know my msn is working again biggrin.gif

and about the posting an offtopic, i've seen other members do it before sad.gif

3rd Sep, 2003 - 11:27pm / Post ID: #

HELP Msn Problem Computer Issues & Video Gaming - Page 2

Congrats on MSN working again.

and about the posting an offtopic, i've seen other members do it before

You mean members that don't follow the rules? I have been telling them about it too. In fact I also updated the offtopic and quotes thread sometime ago to reflect that. Do not think I am getting on your case, but I am seeing this becoming very common, after several posts people then ask me for undeserved forum money :smile.gif so I have to start telling everyone about it. Another thing I see as a problem is quoting a whole page just to reply with two or three words. Again, I know you don't do this just typing it for all those who might look on wink.gif

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> TOPIC: HELP! Msn Problem


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