wow I feel pleased with myself, i think i figured it out lol.
Right at the end of the mod was this line of code:
$userprofile{$user}->[6] = $posts; |
$fill_bar = int($avgpost{$user}); if($fill_bar){$fill_bar = qq~~;} else {$fill_bar = "";} $empty_bar = 100 - $avgpost{$user}; if($empty_bar){$empty_bar = qq~~;} else {$empty_bar = ""; } $avgpost{$user} = qq~$fill_bar$empty_bar nActivity: $avgpost{$user}% ($userprofile{$user}->[6]/$dif)~; } $avgpost{$user} .= ''; [b]$userprofile{$user}->[6] = $posts;[/b] ###/Activity Bar Hack ### |
I've got another question for you JB ;D
I've got the "last post" mod installed that shows on the board index the link of the last post made in each board. This works fine, but I noticed on this board that if a post is a reply it does not the the "re: " part on the board index and has the correct topic icon displayed.
On my board if the topic icon is the lamp and someone replies to it the xx.gif icon is displayed on the board index. What do I do to get it like yours? With no re: and the correct icon displayed?
On my board if the topic icon is the lamp and someone replies to it the xx.gif icon is displayed on the board index. What do I do to get it like yours? With no re: and the correct icon displayed? |
I don't think you understood what i mean about the image.
say the icon for the thread is a lamp, now if this is a new thread that's just been posted it will show the lamp on the board index. however, if a user replies to this thread then the xx.gif icon will be displayed instead. do you know how to fix this?
if a user replies to this thread then the xx.gif icon will be displayed instead. do you know how to fix this? |