Is this an event fast approaching or just a biblical story.
I for one as a child whished and prayed for the end of the world to come. Do you think this is an actual event that will take place at some point in time, or is it something else.
What are your general thoughts on the Armageddon?
Edited: Oliron on 23rd May, 2010 - 2:56am
God's means of cleansing the earth, that his original purpose will come to fulfillment.
Religious hypocrisy, commercial corruption, and the barbarism of man's domination over man will be gone!
Name: JC
Comments: Don't be too anxious for the end of the world to come because before that there will be wars and suffering like you won't believe. Basically there will be years of really bad times before we see Christ coming.
JC there already is terrible wars and suffering, and has been for a long time. Though I wanted it to come when I was younger, I don't anymore. I was a pretty angry kid and had some problems with dealing with things. Now I have learned more or less how to cope, and have a kid of my own. So my attitude towards everything has changed. I don't want my child to have to live threw that.
Name: Alba
Comments: You can be sure that with the US and Israel sticking their hand in other Middle East countries that Armageddon isn't that far away. It might even be 2012 for all we know.
Some may wonder, will Armageddon be a nuclear war?
Whether nuclear weapons will be used in some limited scope or not remains to be seen.
We must keep in mind that Armageddon will not be a war between nations, but a war between the nations and God almighty (Daniel 2:44). What we know from the Bible is that there will be righteous survivors, the revelation given to the apostle John, and Jesus himself confirms this (Revelation 7:14; Mathew 24:21, 22). How one response to the good news of God's kingdom will determine if he survives or not (Matthew 24:14; Zephaniah 2:3)
Edited: David27072 on 5th Feb, 2011 - 5:03am
Name: Natalie
Comments: So you're saying that they are going to see god coming and they start firing at him? that doesn't sound right to me or maybe there is a part I don't know about like god comes first and when he tries to set up his kingdom here then the armies of the earth start attacking. Why would they even try if god came in power?
Natalie, Natalie, Natalie, that's why I surrounded my comment with the words - Whether"¦ or not- .
How every detail of the events surrounding Armageddon unfolds we do not know, what we do know is that there will be survivors! (Psalms 37:9-11,29). In the Revelation given to John the Bible states that God will bring to ruin those ruining the earth (Revelation 11:18).