How To Stop Spammers On My SMF Forum?
Web Hosting
Name: Valerie
Comments: I get a lot of people joining my SMF forums but a lot of the time they post these spam ads and I have to keep deleting them. How do I stop it?
Sounds like your Registration settings are too open. Depending on your SMF version you can enable a few things to curb that such as Captcha, Q&A, etc. If you need a paid solution feel free to send me details via our Contact Page and I will get back to you.
Name: Penya
Comments: I get many spammers. I have added a mod that stops them from posting links if they don't have 10 posts but they still try to post the link anyway I hate this.
Most likely you need to stop them at the registration page and not make it so easy for them to join. If they are really bots then they cannot post to begin with, if they are humans then they may lose interest having to go through hoops to spam your site.
Name: Penya
Comments: I try SMF 2 and now I have the double of spammers. Can you please help me where in SMF 2 has controls to stop this?
Depending on your setup:
1. When you login to your Admin look at what the category "Update Available!" says and follow that if it is there. You want to make sure you are using the latest SMF 2. As at the point of this post the latest version is SMF 2.0.2.
2. For control over registration you go to: Admin > Members > Registration > Settings and set that to the option where Member must approve "Email Activation". This will ensure that an Email address to receive the verification code is received and they can't merely instantly join.
Then go to: Configuration > Security > Anti-spam and you will see an an array of options including questions and options to change the Captcha. Try higher than medium.
Name: Lala
Comments: I suffer with spammers coming on my forum all the time and when I say 'suffer' I really do because it takes my precious time having to check whether its a real person or not. I've tried the usual things but is there something more?
There are many things that can be done to stop spammers. Keep in mind that not all spammers are bots, some of them are real humans that are paid to spam you! If you say that you tried the "Usual" Things then I will have to look at your setup and better give you advice.