First, I ought to say, that I think leaders should show us a better way. A leader is set up as the embodiment of the ideals of the people. The fact is that leaders in a republic will almost always reflect the strengths and weaknesses of the people they lead at the time.
Every secular leader will be effective depending on how good what he or she is at what they do. I would say that is the primary factor we use in choosing them. That is to say, a righteous but legally-ignorant person might not be as apt to perform the task of legislator as an unrighteous lawyer. But if the leader is righteous as well as competent it's much better.
Let me put it another way. The technical aptitude of the secular leader is necessary for immediate success (an inept leader will not know how to govern successfully). The righteousness of the leader backs up or diminishes the long-term moral capital of those being led. So in the short term it might not make a significant difference in the carrying out of the office if the leader is righteous or not. But in the long-term the more unrighteous leaders that are elected and supported are, the worse the overall moral station of the people that are governed. Eventually, moral capital disappears altogether and the people are "ripe for destruction".
Edited: arnaen on 23rd Jan, 2009 - 8:18am
I remember when I was still a missionary and that Elder Oaks came to talk in a stake conference here in the Philippines, he told us to just shut our mouth if we knew some misdeeds they have done. He added that we should just focus on the things they could do for the good of our government or choose those secular leaders who are worthy of those responsibilities.
Then the Spirit added something to my mind that they were justified of God because they do not know the gospel and its standards, and I always keep in my mind that THEY ARE NOT A COVENANT PEOPLE . It would be more tolerable for them than us when it comes to transgression. We know the gospel very much, we have received much light than they. Much is given, much is required...
They aren't a covenant people but should they be righteous? Sure why not. Not everyone under the covenant is righteous and there are people out there that aren't members that are probably really righteous. I don't think being righteous is exclusive.
I am VERY worried about the way our leaders are acting and how we are not reacting.
Starting at the top...Obama has yet to go to church while president, while speaking at Georgetown University all religious symbols found in the room were removed or hidden, he is pushing a very godless agenda. In congress we have hundreds of congressmen that are letting lobbyists change their votes through gifts. Very few in congress are leading through principles. The courts are ruling on the laws with a bias that leads away from righteousness. The top eschelon of our government is moving us farther and farther away from the principles that the founding fathers based the constitution and our government on. A very vocal but godless minority is forcing changes in our society that will allow wickedness to run rampant.
Our secular leaders should be god fearing and have high moral values. My opinion is that we are on the brink of destruction for our wickedness as a nation. Will we go down the same path as the Nephites and Lamanites just before the fist appearance of Christ in the Americas?
QUOTE (JenLuvsMp3 @ 23-Apr 09, 7:24 PM) |
They aren't a covenant people but should they be righteous? Sure why not. Not everyone under the covenant is righteous and there are people out there that aren't members that are probably really righteous. I don't think being righteous is exclusive. |
This question doesn't make any sense to me. You are asking how someone inheritantly corrupt should be righteous? Politics is corrupt and it infects the most well intended individual. You know of any 'righteous' politician that I don't know about?