Trinidad & Tobago Elections 2010
Prime Minister Patrick Manning has asked the President of the county, Pres. Richards, to dissolve Parliament effective 12am 9th March, 2010. This means elections can be called within five weeks to three months. This blocks the Opposition from bring up their no confidence vote and more information against Patrick Manning. What do you think the outcome of the Trinidad & Tobago Elections 2010 will be?
Name: Samway
Comments: I think that Mr. Manning has completely misjudged a) the readiness of the UNC/COP for an election b)the support of the PNM base and c)his popularity as a leader and as such I do not think the PNM can win this election
TV6 and the Trinidad Express confirmed that the date for the next General Elections is Monday, May 24th 2010 It gives little or no time for the Opposition to get together and continue the screening/selection process Source 9
UNC is hiring a US elections rep that helped President Obama gain his Office. I like how Kamala was quick to point out that Jack Warner was not paying for his services.
The UNC and the COP reached unity although they did not sign any documents. Kamla did not want to disclose the arrangement of how many seats, etc because she did not want to give away the "strategy" to the PNM but apparently, the UNC will retain all the safe seats and give the COP the marginal seats. They will also give the St. Augustine seat to Dookeran.
Name: Mazy
Comments: Screening for the St. Augustine seat was yeterday, and Dookeran was not there. What exactly is Kamala's strategy, and is she really ready for an election? What does people from the US know about how Trinis vote? Why does Kamla need the COP, they did not win a seat in the last election.
Name: Joyce
Comments: PNM might win again. This coalition thing doesn't work most of the time because after they come to power they start to disagree.