I read in the Express the letter that Mr. Roberts wrote to the Prime Minister with regards to the scandal video. He denies all allegation of drug use or hiring prostitutes. I have to assume then that for Minister Anil Roberts, the man in the video is just a doppelgänger:
This morning Anil Roberts was grilled by a CNC3 Morning Show journalist who asked all the tough questions and Anil Roberts maintained his stance. She also asked him if the PM is protecting him and he replied that if he was being protected by the PM then she would not have closed the programme and turned the LifeSport info over to the police and DPP. She also asked Anil Roberts which cricket team he supported in the CPL I suppose to see if he would say "Trinidad & Tobago" Red Steel but he did not and answered vaguely that he supported all the teams including the "Red Steel".
I didn't see the interview but I find journalists ask the right questions but they let it go too easily when the interviewee does not answer or is being dismissive. Anyways, Roberts seem to have an answer for everything. The first question I would ask him is: Are you saying that the man in the video is someone with your same look and same tone of voice?
I don't know if people know but there is technology in place to determine if the man in the video is him, just using a voice recognition program from previous interviews compared to the man shown in the video. I would love to see the media doing this.
I'm not surprised. The Express was publishing three or four articles about him needing to resign every single day and TV6 was all over him, even people were collecting signatures online to send to Kamla.
The following is the statement that the PM gave with regards to Anil Roberts resignation. One could say public pressure played a big role:
I just read that statement and the part that caught my attention was: