Well, My name is Effie. I am 21 years old and handfasted to a fantastic man.
I found this forum by seeking more information on the experiences of others when it comes to age difference. My partner is 32 years my senior, and I find it helpful to reflect on anothers experience.
Otherwise I was intrigued by the intelligence and quality of what I have seen, and wish to participate, especially as I am beginning my BA of Psych which always gets my mind turning.
A little more about me, well it's hard to say.
I love doing anything with my hands, usually to the slant of crafts.
The more it works up my fine motor skills I am happy.
I am passionate about children, and aiding people who struggle with mentall illness as I have.
I love smiling, laughing and a great discussion.
I can't think of anything else as I don't worry too much about introductions myself!
Thanks for reading!
Welcome, I'm Brandon
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