This is what is new at InternationalDiscussions.com
* Congrats to Play by Post, the new Member of
the Month. To see if anyone voted for you select
the 2010 link in the Honor section here:
Source 6
* Give your comments on the Gary Coleman case,
Hollaway's murderer finally caught and more via our
most recent Threads.
Source 9
* Donate and get access to the Boards you cannot
see. Don't miss out on the Boards with really deep
stuff related to marriage and doctrine:
Source 2
* See some of our latest Topics here:
Source 2
* See what has not been answered yet:
Source 1
Receiving Emails With Bad Links
I think my Email program is not doing her duty well. If you get Newsletters from us with malformed links please let us know. I believe I have to come up with a way to bulk Email our Registered Membership without it reaching them in jumbled letters.
_Thanks for being a Registered Member of InternationalDiscussions.com_
You may or may not have known that we have been having difficulty sending
these Newsletters to you. Some Members said they received them with extra
characters that tied up links and others just didn't get them altogether.
Being that our server is already burdened by sending notifications of
Replies to Topics we decided to try a different Mail server to see if it
helps the problem(s). If it works out then we will continue this method.
_Please give us feedback on_ this new Newsletter here:
Source 8
_Now in case you have missed it let's recap a few things:_
* _Play by Post_ is the new Member of the Month. Anyone voted for you? Check
here: Source 2
* _Lds_forever's Public Blog_ - Raising special needs children:
Source 9
* _Start your own Blog!_ Once you have _100 Posts_ do request one to be
opened for you within your Intro Thread. This is a great way of sharing your
life with the rest of the Community.
* _Lacking in Forum Points?_ Did you know you can get as much as _1.9 to 2.5
forum points per post_ when you participate in Discussion related to
mortgage, buying a home and foreclosures? if you need the points then get
started here: Source 5
___All the Best to You! _
Administrator & Web Team
Source 7 - English
Source 8 - EspaƱol
_Are You A Super Hero?_
There is still some time left - Be A Super Hero Rpg has started with an all
new look! Some players are already trying to save some people in a hostage
situation but it is still early in the game so you can still join in. Make
sure to get your character created after making a minimum of 30 Posts. See
the Board: Source 8
_What's Hidden?_
When you make a Donation you help contribute to a massive undertaking of
maintaing the most Constructive Community online. Donate to Upgrade your
Membership and get access to the Boards you cannot see. Content for those
include improving relationships, even deeper LDS Doctrines* and business
tips. Donate now:
9. Source 1
10. Source 1
* See some of our latest Topics: [11]Here
11. Source 8
* See what has not been answered yet: [12]Here
12. Source 3
* Upload your photos: [13]Here
13. Source 6
* Feeling a bit lost? use the Site Map: [14]Here
_Disable Membership & Unsubscribe:__
14. Source 1
_Note:_ If You Unsubscribe With The Above Or Below Links Your
_Membership Will Be Deleted_ As Per The Terms Of Your Membership
Thanks for being a Registered Member of InternationalDiscussions.com
Football time - Fifa World Cup fever is in the air and we have many Threads on both the countries and players participating. Who do you feel is going to win this time? Do you have a favorite player? Share your views: Source 3
After sending our last Newsletter we did not get any Member complaints about not being able to see it properly so we guess everything was received fine in your Inbox. What we did notice is that most of the veteran Members or Members with high post count tend to actually open and utilize our newsletters. Conversly, those with little participation or Posts unsubscribe or delete their account. As a result we cleaned out the Members not really active and removed about 100+ of them. Make sure to keep your account active if you wish to continue being a Member of International Discussions and please do tell us what you will like to see in these Newsletters by Posting your comments: Source 7
Some Interesting Topics To Debate:
* Is Polygamy Organized Crime?
Source 9
* Atheists Not To Be Feared!
Source 2
* Who Ends Up Caring For The Elderly?
Source 3
* Palestine vs. Israel - The Flotilla Killings
Source 7
* Obama Worship
Source 5
* Is Bp Handling The Oil Spill Correctly?
Source 2
* Lds_forever's Public Blog - Raising special needs children: Source 7
* Start your own Blog! Once you have 100 Posts do request one to be opened for you within your Intro Thread. This is a great way of sharing your life with the rest of the Community.
* Lacking in Forum Points? Did you know you can get as much as 1.9 to 2.5 forum points per post when you participate in Discussion related to mortgage, buying a home and foreclosures? if you need the points then get started here: Source 3
Guest Flag
Being that we get more participation out of Guests these days than even Members at times I felt it would be best to personalize their messages a bit by giving them the option to add their place of origin so we can see what part of the world the input is coming from.
FAQ Board Open
The Community is evolving so fast now that it is important to open up the FAQ Board to any questions Members or Guests may have that are not answered or has changed in the older FAQ Threads.
Do note that Posting messages in the FAQ Board does NOT add to your Post count or your FP.