War Of The Gods - General Discussion & Questions - Page 22 of 24

I understand, I'm ok with that being - Page 22 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 23rd Oct, 2010 - 5:09am

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War Of The Gods This is the out of game discussion area with Testsubject1 as DM
17th Oct, 2010 - 10:28pm / Post ID: #

War Of The Gods - General Discussion & Questions - Page 22

I'm pretty sure that latch on the outside is going to be hard for Wolter to open. After using skate Feroz will zoom by and open it. That way when and if Wolter and the others disable the pin, Wolter won't have to deal with the latch. Which is simple for me to open but probably hard for him.

I know my game post doesn't mention this action as I thought about it after rereading. I hope you will allow it though considering.

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21st Oct, 2010 - 7:46am / Post ID: #

Questions and Discussion General Gods The War

Feroz would grab the chain, bolas, and net. I guess I didn't realize that our equipment tent was trapped, that's unfortunate.

In light of that maybe we should go were he says.

-4 is a lot for a missing finger, maybe -2 if it was key. On that note where is this going. If your going to kill us do it. We can't really play our characters if they are crippled like this.

It looks pretty bleak for us an honestly I can't see a light. I'm enjoying the challenge but give us a break aye.

Reconcile Edited: Oliron on 21st Oct, 2010 - 8:01am

21st Oct, 2010 - 8:29am / Post ID: #

War Of The Gods - General Discussion & Questions Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Yea its just spending time looking around here is a real bad idea, that guy telling you its trapped was a break, if you enter it there will be a fight. You need to run!

The begger is starting a fire to block the path, another break as you havent asked for his help.

Lost fingers is the cost for ignoring every hint I threw down about the ring being the ring.

If you were ever unsure of anything you had possesion of an artifact that had all the answers.

This is not a linear combat based game revolving around you, sure I put you history in it plenty and you are all involved in the main story line much mor then you can realize for ages but its a pre-made world (that has taken alot of effort)that you must make your way through. The enimies now are tough, so you will will have to be smart, but as you level you will become stronger then them.

Its slightly tougher still because you should be dead, for every break I am forced to throw you I prolong the agony. Once free wich you are close too there is a nice xp reward tho.

Escape was never going to be easy and pits wernt the end of the line, there were people who may buy you if you tried to interest them, you could have become a dungeneering slave if you had talked to the leader. having forced conversation out of the dwarf or having the luck of choosing dwarf as your race you would discover he is a strong cleric just missing a symbol.
Escape was a good path tho and being of different class it might not have been possible, so I suggest you head to where the begger created the fire who will now be visable and run.

I feel my posts are getting skim read over so quickly if you mange to miss the whole line about the tent being trapt the subtle hints have no chance of making it threw.

I promise tho this is just the cost of near dying it will get better once you are free, as for his hand a strong heal spell will restore it, I'm kinda dissapointed it never occured that he would have difficulties firing with half a hand. Maybe once cleaned up I will reduce the difficulty to -2

Reconcile Edited: testsubject1 on 21st Oct, 2010 - 8:32am

Post Date: 22nd Oct, 2010 - 3:06am / Post ID: #

War Of The Gods - General Discussion & Questions
A Friend

Page 22 Questions and Discussion General Gods The War

I am happy with the turn of events and can see that fleeing is of our best interest. IF my character was smarter maybe he could have talked to the dwarf but he is only of average intel. smile.gif

22nd Oct, 2010 - 5:03am / Post ID: #

Questions and Discussion General Gods The War

No look, I'm happy too for the most part. It's in the darkest hour that you shine the brightest. I definitely wouldn't enjoy Feroz near as much if he hadn't gone threw all this stuff.

My gripe was that I've invested a lot in him and if we are going to die just kill us and end my stressing.

I lost my spell book and now my familiar. I don't really think either of those things happened because I made a bad choice that required that type of penalty. I might as well be all psi. I am fighting guys around my challenge rating but without half my character. See what I'm saying is my wizard spells are like my muscle. Wolters bow and animal friends are his muscle.

I don't want to make a big deal out of this. That wasn't my intention, I am a happy player. I just wanted to know if there was going to be a point where we were safe. To gather our characters back up to full strength and maybe try and sort out some kind of plan or task. Like I said I like a challenge but I get the feeling we always only have one choice that might work if we are lucky and every other path leads to certain death.

That's all I wanted to say, I will try my best and try to be less whiney.

22nd Oct, 2010 - 6:31pm / Post ID: #

War Of The Gods - General Discussion & Questions

I was just thinking back to when we were captured and caged. Now when they took our armor and clothes and gave us rags to wear. Were the rags better than the ones Feroz was already wearing? It's pretty funny to imagine them going to give him rags then realizing it would be an improvement for him. biggrin.gif

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22nd Oct, 2010 - 6:48pm / Post ID: #

War The Gods General Discussion & Questions - Page 22

They might have been, they are loin rags only tho, probably gettin a little sunburt lately. Don't think there are rules for that. Thanks for reminding me I almost forgot you were running around half naked. It will be fixed shortly.

And I get where you were going with the jump and levitate but the spell is a standard action then requireing a move actions worth of concentrating to lift yourself to the roof, so that will be your first round
2ndly each attack incurs increasing penalties untill you take a full round to reset yourself.

Reconcile Edited: testsubject1 on 22nd Oct, 2010 - 7:06pm

23rd Oct, 2010 - 5:09am / Post ID: #

War The Gods General Discussion & Questions D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 22

I understand, I'm ok with that being my round action. I was just picturing a matrix sort of deal. Also thinking that if I jumped a little there would be less distance for me to get to the roof. Also I figured jumping might give me some momentum in that direction as I levitated.

I read up on the chain briefly but I missed that part were it takes a round to reset. I thought they were saying if you have multiple attacks in a round you get those penalties and then it resets on the next round. I guess I'll attack with it twice before takeing a round to reset.

If the ants are out of my reach and going for Wolter instead I'll use my net first then bolas.

Reconcile Edited: Oliron on 23rd Oct, 2010 - 5:18am

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