World Health Organization (WHO) has classified video game addiction as a mental health disorder.
In order to fight this addiction, in my opinion, is to look at the aspect those games that are the most addictive and try stimulating the part of the brain that are addicted.
I'm not addicted like I used to be but I really let it take control as a teen. I played a Massive Multi-player Online Role-playing Game called Runescape (I still play to this day) but it just had to much to offer I felt when I was younger. I was socially awkward and very isolated anyways. It did enrage me a lot though. When player killing and you die and lose all the good equipment you worked hard to obtain. Well that's enough to strike a nerve in me. Now adays I'm a lot better with it though. I play once in awhile and I don't get mad anymore.
I believe the best way to get rid of videogame addiction is just going cold turkey and not playing anything for three days. Sure, it might suck the first three days, but once you get over those three days then the pull of video games can lessen, and you are free to do other things.
I initially answered I do not know. But after mulling it over, yes I think I am addicted. My phone and ipad is full of games. My PC has several games too. I used to play a lot, but these days, I only play when it's slow at work. I can't play that much at home since there's a lot to do.
It's unsettling how developpers are trying to get their users more and more addicted to their product. Is the same as with social media, addiction = more time on their product = more ads = more money. Perversion of incentives that must be broken, IMO only feasible by regulatory agencies.