What don't you understand? There is a big difference between reading about violence, and playing it in a game. On one you have to visualize it and it is usually brief in a game it is constant and you control it, it is almost as you are the violence in some of these games. I do agree that some books and TV shows are very violent but that is not what this topic is about. One does not excuse the other in any case.
A new case brings back the discussion of whether or not violent games have a profound effect on people's behavior, specially young children.
Games aren't bad for kids? No so fast
The holiday shopping season is upon us, and both Sony and Microsoft have just released brand-new, long-awaited video-game consoles, which means that kids will be clamouring for Role-playing Games and first-person shooters even more than usual this year. Ref. Source 7
Video games have come a long way from what they used to be and the point is to make it as realistic as possible - that's the scary part, not the realism but in the hands of someone who might not be able to distinguish reality from virtual reality it can turn out very bad.
Game makers go over the top and they do it because some gamers or rather a lot of gamers like to act out things they wouldn't do themselves or would they if they were not to be caught? Makes you wonder about the reason behind their looking for this kind of 'entertainment'.