LittleBigPlanet 2
What is your review for the video game "LittleBigPlanet 2"?
Littlebigplanet 2 (Hover)
Prepare for the Sackbot invasion on 'LittleBigPlanet 2'
In the first game, Sackboy ventured through the equivalent of a journey around the world. This time he travels through history, passing through six distinct and warped eras with names like "Designer Organic," "Steampunk and Cake," and "Neon Propaganda." The game opens in the "Techno Renaissance," where a character named Da Vinci sets you off in a "very classic B-movie story," Evans says. "At the beginning, it is (classic Mario-style) platforming. But as the game progresses, we introduce more styles of game play, so by the time you get to the sixth theme, you are playing top-down, puzzle levels and some sports, sumo-style stuff." Ref. Source 2