Bible's Code Unlocked
Name: Dimitar
Subject: Bible`s Code Unlocked
Message: I would like to present you information which is about to become a world sensation. As far as I`m concerned there is no connection until now days between Darwin`s theory and the version about the origin of the world in the Bible. According to the Bible the world has been created in six days, but according to the science this process has taken billions of years. If we exclude the difference in time and we pay attention to the SEQUENCE, we will see that there is no contradiction between both, but only the question-why in the Bible things happened so fast? There is an answer and it`s in the Bible itself. Moses described the creation from his own sight as an eyewitness. How could he have seen something happen before his existence? For forty days he has been at the mount Sinai where he got information about the past, present and future. The creation had been recreated to him there, he had seen how the already existing world had been made. The long process of evolution had been shown to him in the first six days and the SEVENTH day had been dedicated to human`s appearing. After that he had seen the difference between Adam`s origin and Eve`s one. Adam comes from the dirt in the process of evolution, but Eve comes from DNA material.