No, it is next to impossible for twins to 100% identical, because our body isn't perfect. When our body copies DNA into RNA and back into DNA, it makes errors. These are called mutations (this is how I believe gays become homosexuals--mistakes the body made in copying a gene). They are completely random, and unless somehow two twins' bodies make the exact same errors (way less than a billionth of a percent), the twins' DNA are not identical. This error is not that hard to comprehend, because the body has to copy trilliaons of DNA strands. More! It is an incomprehensible amount. This process is actually proven through evolution--this is how evolution occurs. If the body was a perfect copyer, we would never have changed from the Cro-Magnons to Homo Sapiens. Those scientific quotes were I am afraid incorrect (albeit only by a little) or they were just saying such in a casual way, or to over-emphasize how close twins really are.
Straker, please provide us with references to backup your contention that the quotes the Malexander provided are incorrect.
Just because someone doesn't want to believe a fact to be a fact, doesn't make it not a fact. I, too, have read in many places that identical twins are exactly that identical in genetic makeup. They come when the fertiized egg is split after fertilization. The genetic code is already established by this point.
That doesn't mean there are factors that will influence development differently for each twin, but the genetic material is identical. If this isn't true, I would, sincerely, like to read the scientific data for this.
This process is actually proven through evolution--this is how evolution occurs. If the body was a perfect copyer, we would never have changed from the Cro-Magnons to Homo Sapiens. |
The theory of evolution is just a theory, true. But, it is quite hard to argue that humans have not changed since their original stages (which is what Cro-Magnons are--humans at their infancy). We have found prehistoric bodies that are very different than humans today (Besides ancient bodies found, much can be read about this in Book 1 of Harvard Professor's J.M. Robert's The New Penguin History of the World). I was not arguing that we evolved from another animal or species, just simply that we have evolved from our first stages. And yes, identical twins come from the same egg, but twins do not share the exact same DNA (why can we tell them apart? They do not look EXACTLY alike). The DNA is originally copied once, and when the egg splits, each separate egg now only has half of the DNA. The rest is copied from RNA (A copier/trasnferer of DNA which is copied before the split of the egg) back into DNA to complete the strand. I'm sorry if this is confusing, but I'm starting to get in a little over my head...I'm trying to remember my biology class last year...This is either the correct process, or two complete strands of DNA are formed separetely and then the egg splits. Either way, their are parts of the DNA (which are supposed to be the same) that are copied separetely, meaning different mutations/mistakes occur in the copying process .I don't know what to quote except for my teacher, as well as the way too many boring movies we watched last year (sorry!). If this doesn't make any sense, I apologize, and I'll try and rewrite it more clearly.
I am also a little confused as to what you are asking. I did my best to answer your question above (please forgive any errors), but if I am way off, I'll try again.
Lastly, I think we are starting to get a little off topic, for I don't care whether homosexuality is a choice or not--there is no reason why they should be excluded from the sacrament of marriage. I still can't find a decent argument against such that does not have to do with religious beliefs. And I still don't understand as to why one would care except for the fact that they think it is "gross." Please, I am only a high schooler, and my essay was written my freshman year (last year), and I do not know all the facts to this debate. Maybe their are some legitamate facts to this argument against gay marriage, and I just didn't happen to find any and haven't heard of any since.
QUOTE (Straker @ 17-Jan 05, 12:20 AM) |
there is no reason why they should be excluded from the sacrament of marriage. I still can't find a decent argument against such that does not have to do with religious beliefs. |
I thought I would give my opinion here.
but twins do not share the exact same DNA (why can we tell them apart? They do not look EXACTLY alike) |
...for I don't care whether homosexuality is a choice or not...I still can't find a decent argument against such that does not have to do with religious beliefs. And I still don't understand as to why one would care except for the fact that they think it is "gross." Please, I am only a high schooler, and my essay was written my freshman year (last year), and I do not know all the facts to this debate. Maybe their are some legitamate facts to this argument against gay marriage, and I just didn't happen to find any and haven't heard of any since. |
I believe that the civil union option for this issue will prevail and is best. For those of us who hold a marriage as a sacred union, thus being a religious union, as something that homosexuals cannot enter into, then a civil union will be acceptable. It is not our place to judge them, but so many enjoy doing it. This is one of those situations where you will only find out in the end who is right and who is wrong. Unfortunately, you wont be able to share your knowledge.
Just a thought,
Marriage is sacred. It is instituted of God. However, members of the current homosexual movement are not likely to be appeased by any statement of religious truth that moves contrary to their physical appetites. Therefore, I would be in favor of a civil union concept - a completely secular contractual agreement allowing gays and lesbians to file taxes together, etc. if they chose to do so.
A secular living arrangement deserves completely secular governance. To allow homosexuality into a significant religious event such as marriage is contrary to the beliefs of most world religions. Civil unions would allow for a sense of 'equality' without so much moral compromise.
As to whether homosexuality is congenital or acquired, I know that it is a choice. Even if some people are born with a tendency toward that way of life, they must choose whether or not to act upon those thoughts. I have a natural propensity toward addiction - I do things habitually because of nerves. Does this mean I was destined to be a smoker and an alcoholic and a drug addict? Of course not. I make choices in my life that limit my physical addictions to chocolate and fingernail-biting.
In some cases, abuse or other psychologically damaging events have caused a person to desire people of the same gender. This is not natural, and it can be overcome if the victim is willing to overcome it. This does not mean simply going to counseling, but doing what is necessary in his or her life to change the way he or she thinks. For example, it is impossible to continue to look at gay pornography (or any pornography at all), and overcome homosexual desires at the same time. It is not reasonable. It is a dangerous duality.
That's about it.
In order to properly address this issue, I suppose a few things need to be clarified. The idea of a "marriage ceremony" is completely man made. The first union in the bible happened not by a ceremony, but by a consummation. That being said, the ceremony itself means nothing and is therefore not of God but of men.
Second, marriage is not sacred. Before everyone gets in an uproar consider this, if marriage was still sacred, then why is the divorce rate so sky high? It may have been sacred once, but now its not. If the reason that people are against marriage is a moral issue, then you should consider this, you cannot legislate morality. If being gay is wrong, then making it illegal, or making gay marriage illegal does absolutely nothing but satisfy your own desire to prevent other people from doing something you consider wrong.
Third issue, gay marriages being banned does absolutely no harm to anyone. A friend of mine gives his childrens lives as an example. That doesn't work, if a child sees to men holding hands, whether they are married or not doesn't play a factor. Banning gay marriage is the same a saying that alcohol should be banned because getting drunk is wrong. You cant legislate morality, to many people think that gay marriage threatens their religious beliefs. Other people have the right to belief, think, and act as they chose without fear of being held down by the government as long as their actions do not hurt anyone else. please tell me how two gay people getting married actually harms anyone at all? And don't bring their soul into this because banning the marriage doesn't stop the act of being homosexual.
Fourth and final issue. The United States was founded on religious and social freedom from tyranny, yet today we seem bent on forcing others to follow our beliefs! Banning gay marriage is as detestable to me as stopping someone from praying at a football game. Who cares if your belief offends someone, welcome to america, thats the way it is, the way it should be, and the way it always needs to be! When it all comes down to it, it is a matter of stifling someone elses rights to life liberty and the pursuit of HAPPINESS because you disapprove of what makes them happy. When I say "you", I mean those in favor of banning gay marriage, not one person in this forum in particular.