Name: Sandeep
Comments: Those who called themselves "Christians": they forged the Crusades during which the term 'infidel' was first coined; major branches of Christianity horrifically persecuted Jews as well as Muslims; forced conversions of indigenous peoples in an entire hemisphere; and through colonialism persecuted Buddhists, Hindus, Buddhists, and local shamanistic or animist, etc religions. Second will have to those calling themselves "Muslims" but their crimes largely after the decline of the original Arab caliphates which are agreed to have produced great literary, scientific, intellectual and architectural works. (Read Ibn Khaldun (al-Muqquadimmah) where even he states that society has declined in his own day. In contrast, so-called "Christians" committed there crimes during their rise.
At closer look my analysis is highly biased: it takes the actions of European Christians as representative of ALL Christians: there were communities in Ethiopia, Persia, India, etc that didn't do these things. If you look at Jesus' teachings, he never advocated any of these things; nor does the Quran. It is people and cultures that corrupt religion: religion once twisted becomes an excuse for people who in the absence of religion would have found some other way to convince people to kill. Take Nazis: they used "science" such as phrenology and evolution in part to support their doctrine.
"There have been periods of history in which episodes of terrible violence occurred but for which the word violence was never used.... Violence is shrouded in justifying myths that lend it moral legitimacy, and these myths for the most part kept people from recognizing the violence for what it was. The people who burned witches at the stake never for one moment thought of their act as violence; rather they thought of it as an act of divinely mandated righteousness. The same can be said of most of the violence we humans have ever committed" ~ Gil Bailie
The only thing that matters, is who is the most violent religion now. Most of the evidence points to Islam (need I repeat the hundreds if not thousands, of instances where today people are killing in the name of Allah).
Almost every other religion has gone through its violent times, but they have gone through a reformation to get rid of its violent tendencies (externally or internally). What these religions did in the past, excuses no Religion from its violence today. Some who would defend Islam say "well in the middle ages the Christians did this" Or "The Jews killed Jesus and killed entire peoples in the Bible" or something that happened hundreds or even thousands of years ago.
The truth is, the only religion that fights with its neighbors today (that does so in the name of religion) on a large scale today , is the faith of Islam.
Which is the only religion that kills people who convert? Islam. Kills women who dishonor the faith? Islam. Stone the adulterer, blasphemer, and behead the infidel? I will let you answer that question and you have the most violent religion that exists today.
The only question is: Will they reform voluntarily, or will the world have to force them to reform?
The powerful have invoked God at their side in this war, so that we will accept their power and our weakness as something that has been established by divine plan. But there is no god behind this war other than the god of money, nor any right other than the desire for death and destruction. Today there is a "NO" which shall weaken the powerful and strengthen the weak: the "NO" to war.
-- Subcomandante Marcos - Source: No to war, 2/16/03
Name: Ed
Religion actually means "way of life" and this includes democracy or communism or whatever way an individual chooses to conduct his day-to-day life, so that religion is not restricted to Islam or Judaism or Christianity or Hinduism or whatever Church to which one may belong.
Man will always defend his way of life and what we have today is racism being presented as religion.
With Christianity, it is not a matter of defending but attacking and invading and occupying and forcing their religion (way of life), as democracy, on races they consider to be inferior or subhuman, and they do this under the pretense of making peace.
Muslims are commanded to defend and they do this and they do not have to make excuses for defending themselves from invasion/occupation of their lands.
There seems to be a trend today towards atheism because of the claim that religion is the cause of all wars and this is so because the Scriptures are misunderstood or tainted.
Scarcely anyone bothers to examine Scripture to "believe" what they see for themselves but the blind followers will become aggressive defending what they know little or nothing about and then them violence.
The Age Of Reason by M A Raheem and Mervyn C Charles examines the Bible for the Hoax that the Quran confirms and shows the Bible in agreement with the Quran that the Messiah was not crucified, but Christians and Muslims are afraid of the truth of the Scriptures and will not attempt to "see" for fear of having to face the fact that they got it all wrong for so long.
To blame religion for violence is al lack of understanding of human nature.
Actually, the "way of life" as you phrase it is but one definition and not the only and defining one that you seem to suggest.
Name: Mac
Comments: The new religion base on jihad and suicide bombings is the most violent religion now. They have the whole world at war. They round up the youths and promise them afterlife rewards and then go out like sheep to carry out their cowardly act. The least they could do is put on a uniform and show themselves as real fighters but they do all they do with deception or any thoughts about the innocent life they take for their own selfish beliefs.