I think the image of satan being a half goat half man was taken from the pagan image of the god pan who also looks like this, as was already said in the bible lucifer is always referred to as beutiful which would make sense to me I mean if you wanted to lead people into temptation you wouldn't want to be ugly now would you? however personally I beleive that neither good or evil has a particular face, you see people blowing up children, cheating on their wives with her best friend, stealing money from the charity box.... thats the face of evil and like wise people giving up their lives to go help starving children in another country or just taking time out to help their fellow man thats the face of good right there.
When I lean towards Satanism, someone told me that Satan was the most beautiful of all of our Fathers children. Wether that is true or not I don't know. I do know that he looks just like anyone else, he doesn't have horns or a tail he doesn't carry a pitchfork around nor does he have red skin.
It is interesting how we try to humanise a satan. What does he look like? He looks like indifference to fellow man; He looks like people believing it is not wrong if your don't get caught; He looks like greed, sloth, and ignorance. He looks like an eroding value system that rejects the concept of wright and wrong and lives in the murky gray. Unfortunately some days.. he looks just like me.... But I am trying.
I do not believe in Satan as a being of pure evil that has control over our evil actions, but rather a literary device used to portray the evil greediness inside all of us. The evil inside of us is portrayed as an ugly being, because we are ashamed of our evil feelings. So I would Have to agree that the face of "Satan" would be the faces of the people committing evil acts.
Name: Mark
Comments: He wears a beard. He wears a grey robe. He appears to be about 6'-2" or so. He's handsome with a stern look to his face. My first impression, was a stern looking "Kenny Rogers" look but taller.
Source 1: I saw him in a dream which was revealed by God.
As he is a fallen angel he is going to look like one of the angels. He is a deciever thus he can deceive us into believing that he is a good guy. As he was once sitting at the right hand side of god he is very knowledgable in the ways of faith. That is what makes him so dangerous to us all. That is why many good people fall to temptation. HE is smart enough to know our weaknesses and exploit them to the best of his ablilities.
I agree with the majority of the posts here. If you think about it, his hideous appearance, that is, his red skin, flaming red eyes, long horns, a long tail and a pitchfork would scare all human beings. He would not be able to control or manipulate anyone to do his bidding, if he was ugly or deformed. I do believe that Satan would "appear" normal, in order to blend in with the rest of society.
I suspect that the description of Satan (as mentioned above) was invented as a way of scaring children into believing in God and obeying their parents.
Picture walking down the street its night and there before you stand on f the most suave men you have ever met. He is leaning on the post hat tilted so as to give mystery to his face, teeth gleaming white and the warmest laugh you can imagine greeting your ears as he calls out to. "you lost need some help? Sure come with me I know where that is." and as you walk he is building your faith in him. That is my impression of one who does not know God seeing the devil for the first time.
Alas he is not as wise and knowledgeable as god (thus Jesus) for he lost his battle not God. It is clear also in the story about Jobe who lost all he had because the devil could not believe any one could have complete faith and trust in god.
He was the finest of the angles and others must have adored him for his vanity to come to the point of challenging God.
He does not now our thoughts like god does but is the master of trickery and can read our tones and body expressions well enough to almost know our mind. Have no dount he can be charming and is most pleasant to hear and see. It is only the darkness of his soul that gives him away.