Friday 13th October, 2006
It's Friday, and the 13th to boot, we are in the Halloween month of October, wow, should we be expecting anything unlucky?
Maybe a witch or wizard will make a spell and remove your tongue. That alone can be a nightmare for you, not so? *smile*
It was a normal day for me, I'm not superstitious therefore, I do not believe anything bad could happen on Friday 13th.
Today when I was student teaching one kid told me that it was his birthday. He said that some people call him a devil child because he was born on Friday the 13th in October. Sad! But he may have been pulling my leg because he is that kind of kid. I am not a superstitious person either, but I don't think I'd like my birthday to be Friday, October 13th! It would just be weird because of all the hype around it. But other than waking up late and not having anything to wear, this has been a pretty good day for me so far! Friday means it's the weekend
As far as I can tell, Friday the 13th is "unlucky" because that was the day the Knights Templar were destroyed. I can't remember if that is when the Church and the Crown turned on them, or if that was the date that the Grand Master of the Order was burned at the stake.
I don't know what the significance is, but 13 is a very special number to the Templars.
Friday the 13th is nowhere near as special as Saturday the 14th (a VERY funny movie).