Probably the Catholic upbrining, but I cannot say Jesus, since he is one with God. Therefore, not exactly a person by your and my standard.
One strange named jumped out to me - Johan Gutenburg.
When I actually think about it, it is almost like he was another apostle. No one was able to get the "word" out more efficiently that the bible that Gutenburg put together. Interestinly enough, the Catholic Priests did not want the letters to get out to the common man. They were thought as TOO powerful for consumption by the commoner and needed someone like a Priest to decipher for them. To a degree, the Priest were right. Many have died over the interpretations of the context of this book.
Just a thought,
I'd have to go with the "Big J"...getting international holidays designed for you...where people are willing to go out and spend a fortune on mostly pointless "stuff"...and folk get a week off from school and work...No small feat here...
So the question is "Who has INFLUENCED mankind the most?" The majority here say Jesus Christ or some other religious leader. I would have agreed had the question been "Who is the most prominent religious figure?" Their teachings are of love, kindness compassion, forbearance etc. However, if one looks back at history or even considers the evils of modern society, its quite obvious, in my opinion, that their teachings have done little to influence mankind.
Though, in another breath, I can contradict myself and say so many acts of violence have been committed throughout history based on religious beliefs and that what man understands by right and wrong, indeed, the justice system itself, of a country is usually founded in religion. If I had to choose a religious figure, I'd say Jesus Christ.
Meanwhile, I believe there are others who have TRULY influenced mankind. Anyone of those Great Men has influenced mankind the most at a specific point in time: Newton, Gutenberg, Columbus, Bill Gates and many others..they've made an impact that led to life as we know it today. They've single-handedly changed the world in their own way, the way we think, act, and function.
Edited: Fortress on 16th Aug, 2005 - 4:31am
Here is my list of the most influencual people:
1) Jesus Christ - Not only for the Atonement that he gave us, but he gave us a new law that is a way of judging our hearts.
2) Joseph Smith Jr. The Mormon Prophet - He restored many things that had been lost due to corrupt priests and careless transcribers.
3) The Prophet Mohammed - He brought Allahs words to a paganized people and taught them a better way to live, if it were not for his influence I don't think mankind would have got has far as they did in the sciences.
4) Moses - Not only is his teachings taught by three different religions, but he was able to take a people that was held by the most powerful nation at his time with little death.
I think this is a no brainier! Jesus Christ is the awnser. He suffered for the sins of the world so that we may repent and live with him again. Jesus Christ was and is also the greatest teacher there has ever been. Nobody from the beginning to the end has made a impact like the one Jesus made.
Jesus was born in Jerusalem and the statement of his mission was; I did not come to bring peace but rather division and fire.
Surely it is division if you look at the wars and division in religion, therefore yes he made his mark.
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Name: Helper
Comments: Hi, Who has influenced Mankind the most?...."JESUS CHRIST", How? Jesus Via the Apostles, Via the Bible, Via the middle east, Europe, Asia, America then the, World over No man has ever spoken with such Authority and Truth plus Held so much Power over the Elements of this world as JESUS did. Through His Influence He has brought Civilization to Mankind and the Bible is still being preached to ears that haven't heard about the "GOSPEL" Which means "GOOD NEWS"....Helper
Source1: Bible New testament
Source2: Missionaries in 3rd world countries