Do It Cheerfully
Mormon History Related
"As a valedictory to the lessons from Liberty Jail, I refer to the last verse of section 123: 'Therefore . . . Let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed' (D&C 123:17; emphasis added)."What a tremendously optimistic and faithful concluding declaration to be issued from a prison-temple! When he wrote those lines, Joseph did not know when he would be released or if he would ever be released. There was every indication that his enemies were still planning to take his life."Furthermore, his wife and children were alone, frightened, often hungry, wondering how they would fend for themselves without their husband and father. The Saints, too, were without homes and without their prophet. They were leaving Missouri, heading for Illinois, but who knew what tragedies were awaiting them there? Surely, to say it again, it was the bleakest and darkest of times."Yet in these cold, lonely hours, Joseph says let us do all we can and do it cheerfully. And then we can justifiably turn to the Lord, wait upon His mercy, and see His arm revealed in our behalf."What a magnificent attitude to maintain in good times or bad, in sorrow or in joy!"
-- Jeffrey R. Holland, "Lessons from Liberty Jail," Ensign, Sept. 2009, 32-33