In some human cultures and traditions the 'dead' or those that have gone on to another world are held in either adoration or great respect. Some believe that communication with those that have already passed this life is possible while others are skeptical. What does your religion / culture say about communication with the dead - is it possible?
I don't know what I believe about it now. I know growing up I was taught that you cant talk with someone after they die. Interesting thing was that I was taught this because of what the Bible says. But the Bible says that a seer called up the prophet samuel for King Saul. So if you believe the Bible then you should believe that the dead can be contacted.
I would like to think that you can contact those that have moved on. On the other hand, I don't want to be contacted after I'm dead. don't remind me that I am not among the living anymore, or don't remind me of living after I'm dead. Either way, leave me alone.
I don't know whether you can talk to the dead, I haven't tried it, and don't want to!
a works colleague of mine, lost her Husband last year, and has been 'talking' to him since, through various means, including psychics, mediums, dowsing, clairvoyants, tarot card readers, anything she can find basically!
I really feel for her, because I know the overwhelming grief that she is going through, but I would say that this has taken over her life, it's all she thinks about, and all she talks about.
A few months ago though, her Husband 'came through' to her on a visit to a tarot card reader, and told her to get her son's hearing tested, as he was deaf!
She took her 4 year old son to a specialist, even though she didn't think he had a problem with his hearing, and he did indeed need to have an operation to rectify a hearing problem! This has fuelled her on even more now, so I don't think she is going to stop from what she is doing.
I don't feel I have any rights to criticize her, she isn't doing anybody any harm, and she is getting through her Husband's death better with the belief that she can still 'stay in touch' with him!