Vacationers Have Hard Time Unplugging

Vacationers Hard Time Unplugging - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 25th Aug, 2010 - 1:59pm

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Post Date: 13th Jul, 2010 - 10:00am / Post ID: #

Vacationers Have Hard Time Unplugging

Vacationers Have Hard Time Unplugging
Health Related

It's the time of year when most of us try to get away and unplug from the pressures of work. But thanks to technology and the changing expectations of the workplace, many workers are taking the office on vacation with them.
Source: Boston Weather, Breaking News and Sports from WBZ-TV

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24th Aug, 2010 - 10:39pm / Post ID: #

Unplugging Time Hard Vacationers

I am a school teacher. Easter and summer are my only vacations. I earn my vacations!

I use the summer month of July to attend to family business. I then use the month of August to actually, physically go on a vacation somewhere far away from my own home or town.

Its the only way I can unplug from the daily grind. I take on the persona of a camper. So I do not carry consumer electronics EXCEPT my cell phone. But the phone is only turned on for emergencies or travel information. It is not used to contact my routine social life.

While on vacation, I wear casual clothing, I don't wear makeup, or any body fashion. I read, read, and read any literature available at the vacation site or carry a book that I have wanted to read for ages. I carry a small fine art painting kit: sketch pad, oil pastels, cheap FILM camera (laugh.gif). I carry basic necessities and first aid supplies.

I blend in with the natives. I accept their offers of hospitality, I don't judge. I live among them with an open mind. I do more listening to people than talking about myself and my views. I especially listen to the elderly; their wisdom is essential and calming.

I actually stop to appreciate nature: on the beach, in the garden, in the back yard, in the public parks, etc. I laugh a lot, smile a lot, greet people in passing with basic social manners.

I don't let 'mistakes' bother me. But I am always careful and mindful of my surroundings but not paranoid or nervous.

I eat healthy food, exercise in simple ways where I am vacationing. I try not to spend too much though. Although it's hard sometimes when I see souvenirs that are really unusual. That kind of shopping is something that I am working on to curtail.

So my point is, don't be afraid to unplug. A mental and physical vacation is essential for anyone who is a workaholic-multi-tasker at whatever. A simple change of environment, pace, and society can make one relax, reflect, be inspired, and be rejuvenated with a new perspective on life. Besides our bodies need it. We are not machines nor are we irreplaceable at the workplace. There's always someone smarter in some way than us. So take a break, UNPLUG!

Post Date: 24th Aug, 2010 - 10:57pm / Post ID: #

Vacationers Have Hard Time Unplugging
A Friend

Vacationers Have Hard Time Unplugging Health & Special Psychology

I know a lot of people especially the younger generations have to keep their technology with them where ever they go. Take them to a place where they have no electricity or game stations, or cell service and they just there not knowing what to do. It is like they are totally lost. It is interesting to watch. After five minutes they are totally and profoundly bored out of their skull.

25th Aug, 2010 - 1:59pm / Post ID: #

Unplugging Time Hard Vacationers

(laugh), ha! yes, I see that also. I have learned to reclaim my mind and the old past times. It's like re-embracing one's humanness.

There I was in Mt. Irvine Beach, Tobago: sitting on the beach chair, a beer at my side, on the sand. I am in my bikini (first time, (laugh)!) The Almond tree shading me just right: sun rays filtered beams of a gentle warmth with whispers of the leaves gossiping in the wind. I am looking at the glistening aquamarine gentle waves of the transparent sea. Its reefs and fish right at one's feet when one submerges into the welcoming warm water.

I look down and notice a white baby crab peeping out of the sand, and cautiously venturing out to the see the big world. I smile and spiritually try to connect with that crab to encourage it to explore bravely.

I then see a beach lizard prowling the almond tree and hunting for prey. It eventually catches a bug of sorts and moves on. The friendly life guard then comes over and asks me if I want to try some kayaking. I smile, look at the water and say, "sure, why not."

To be continued

> TOPIC: Vacationers Have Hard Time Unplugging


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